Monitor-related problems may occur while the computer is running. The most common of these is the lack of a signal, which causes the picture to disappear from the screen. This problem can arise for various reasons.

Physical failure of cables
First of all, you need to make sure that the means of connecting the monitor to the power supply and to the computer are working properly. There may be no signal if the integrity of the power cable or connection is broken. It is worth re-disconnecting and reconnecting all cables, if there is no signal anyway, you can change the cables to others. They are consumables, their cost does not exceed a couple of hundred rubles. You can buy them at any computer store or office equipment store. If there is no signal anyway, then the reason for its absence lies much deeper.
Faulty drivers
Often, due to improper installation of programs or due to the activity of malicious programs, the drivers responsible for the operation of the monitor are damaged. Their reinstallation is required. But for this you need to use another monitor. Its role can be played by a laptop or netbook monitor, or just another monitor. Before installing any driver, it is recommended to make a system restore point if the installation fails.
The cost of a new LCD monitor can range from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles. Repairing a monitor can cost several thousand, so the user is free to choose between repairing or buying a new monitor.
Physical malfunction of the video card
For a primary analysis of a video card malfunction, just look at it. It may be very dusty, and the cooling fan may spin slowly or not spin at all. You can also see the state of the transistors on the board surface. If they are faulty, they will be either leaking or bloated.
If the video card looks completely intact, then you may need to diagnose it. It can be carried out at a specialized service center. A computer with a faulty graphics card can be repaired under warranty. The same may apply to a separately purchased video card. But if the warranty has expired, you will have to repair the video card at your own expense.
Monitor diagnostics
To correctly diagnose the condition of the monitor, it must be taken to a service center. A simple user can remember if there was excessive flickering of the monitor before its breakdown, perhaps it emitted noise or an unpleasant smell.
Most often, if the monitor is broken, then it simply does not turn on, which means that there may not be a message about the absence of a signal. But if it is, then this indicates a partial malfunction of the video output.
If the monitor is under warranty, it can be repaired free of charge. Otherwise, you will have to fork out for a round sum. If repairs are too expensive, you can purchase a new monitor. The cost of repairs is often much higher.