All kinds of operations with dividends are gaining more and more popularity in our world along with the development and formation of new economic relations. In view of this, accordingly, there are more and more questions about the mechanism of their accounting, as well as about the reflection of all kinds of transactions with them in accounting. There is no exception here and the question of how to reflect dividends, namely how to reflect the tax on dividends.

Step 1
Open the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and read Chapters 23 and 25, which regulate the procedure for calculating tax on dividends and the procedure for withholding tax on dividends.
Step 2
Determine the tax rate on dividends. At the same time, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes certain numbers. So, for foreign legal entities the rate is 15%, for individuals who are not residents of the Russian Federation - 30%. In turn, for Russian enterprises, as well as individuals, residents of the Russian Federation, the dividend tax rate will be 9%.
Step 3
Calculate the tax amount. To determine the amount of tax, the tax rate must be multiplied by the difference between the amount of dividends that were accrued to be received and paid. At the same time, you need to know that the amount of tax will be reduced by deducting from this amount all accrued dividends the amount of dividends accrued to legal entities and individuals that are not residents of the Russian Federation. And it increases due to the amount of dividends received by the enterprise. You should be aware that there is no obligation for dividend tax if the amount of dividends received is less than the amount accrued to be paid. Remember also that when calculating dividends for each category of persons (residents, non-residents), the corresponding tax rate established by tax legislation is applied.
Record dividend tax in accounting records.
Step 4
Accrue dividends for participants Dt 84 –Ct 70 or for Dt 84 –Ct 75-2.
Reflect in the documents withholding tax on dividends for participants Dt 70 - Kt 68 or for Dt 75-2 - K 68.
Reflect in the accounting the payment of dividends for Dt 70 –Ct 50/51 or, respectively, for Dt 75-2 –Ct 50/51.
If you, or rather your company, received the news about the accrual of dividends, you must make an accounting entry Дт 76 - Кт 96, in which the amount of accrued dividends should be reflected. it is this figure that will be decisive, thanks to this amount, the accounting profit of the enterprise increases and this does not affect taxation in any way, since the amount of tax on dividends was withheld by the tax agent. Thus, you will have a permanent positive difference every time.
Step 5
Make the wiring Dt 68 - Kt 99.
Calculate the permanent tax asset at the income tax rate.
Step 6
Make an accounting entry Dt 51 - Kt 76 for the amount of dividends paid by the withholding agent. Such a posting will create a debit balance, which must be closed with the transaction Dt 91 - Kt 76, which will allow a negative difference between accounting and tax accounting.