Many people, working at a computer, sooner or later think about creating their own game. And if earlier, to implement the plan, one had to have the skills of programming, drawing, design and other things, today there are ready-made solutions. For example, the excellent StencylWorks toolkit answers the question of how to make a game easy and simple.

Step 1
Since this program implements the drag-and-drop function, programming is no longer necessary. You can simply drag and drop blocks with pre-prepared codes.
Step 2
If you are a more experienced user, you can create your own blocks and even send them to your friends. The software to create your dream game has a free collaboration and communication function.
Step 3
Physics in the game is provided by the advanced Box2D engine. It can be further customized, so the game world will be lively and dynamic. Knowing the ActionScript 3 programming language, you will be able to create your own solutions.
Step 4
You just have to devote yourself to the creative process, thinking over the essence of the game, gameplay and more. The graphics can be downloaded from StencylForge or by creating your own. Characters can be made on the fly, and then using the editor, customize their physical properties, behavior, etc.
Step 5
StencylWorks set designer will make you feel like a fish in water if you are already familiar with the image editor Photoshop. There are also the following tools here: scaling, selection, filling, snapping mesh. They will help you create quite complex worlds alone, in a short time.
Step 6
You can view and test your game locally at any time. It is enough to press the Test button, the game will be compiled and launched in the browser. And if you need to publish the game, you can share it on the StencylWorks website.
Step 7
Once you've made a game, you can upload it to your blog or website, to third-party portals like Kongregate, and try to make money. Find sponsors willing to buy your product. If the program resources are insufficient, a variety of add-ons, extensions and other resources can be downloaded from the StencylForge center.