Software 2024, June

How To Make A Bootable Image

How To Make A Bootable Image

A boot image is a virtual copy of a program or game CD. All its difference from an unpacked disc is that the installation files, called distributions, are stored in a single file in the "ISO" format. Necessary UltraISO and Daemon Tools

How To Download Kaspersky Anti-virus For Free

How To Download Kaspersky Anti-virus For Free

Today, a sufficient number of new programs are being created for operating systems of the Windows family, which are distributed both paid and free of charge. Among anti-virus solutions, such an opportunity has appeared in the product "Kaspersky Anti-Virus"

Slow Computer: How To Speed It Up

Slow Computer: How To Speed It Up

Computer speed is very important for comfortable work on it. After all, when applications "freeze", windows open slowly and other not very pleasant moments appear, comfortable work is out of the question. Fortunately, you can speed up your PC without upgrading it

How To Determine The Type Of Motherboard

How To Determine The Type Of Motherboard

When there is a need to upgrade a computer, it is very important to know which motherboard is installed on it. Knowing its characteristics, you can unambiguously determine which processors will be compatible with it and what maximum amount of RAM it can support

How To See The Name Of The Motherboard

How To See The Name Of The Motherboard

In the process of using a computer, situations arise in which you have to take rather unusual actions. For example, it becomes necessary to know exactly the model of the motherboard installed in the computer. On the one hand, the motherboard seems to be nearby, but on the other, it is not clear where you can see its full name

How To Improve Cooling For Your Computer

How To Improve Cooling For Your Computer

A high-quality cooling system is necessary for the stable operation of important elements of a personal computer. Improving the cooling of devices is recommended in cases where their temperature exceeds the recommended standards. Necessary - fans

How To See Which Motherboard Is Worth

How To See Which Motherboard Is Worth

Motherboard - the main board on which all other components of the system unit are installed: expansion buses, controllers, central processor, RAM, ports, etc. You need to know the Mb model in order to choose the right device. Instructions Step 1 There are different ways to determine the type and manufacturer of the "

How To Determine Which Motherboard Is Worth

How To Determine Which Motherboard Is Worth

Most often, when installing drivers, there is a problem with determining the model of some devices. When it comes to the motherboard, there are several options for solving this issue. Necessary - Everest; - Sam Drivers; - crosshead screwdriver

How To View The Motherboard

How To View The Motherboard

It is not difficult to look at the motherboard. This is usually the largest board in the computer. However, it is not always possible to disassemble the computer. For example, if the computer is under warranty or it is a laptop. In this case, special test programs will be needed

How To Convert Fb2 To Pdf

How To Convert Fb2 To Pdf

FB2 is an e-book format which, however, may not be supported by some devices or computers. PDF is more common as a format for storing text and images. To open the desired file on a computer without an installed FB2 reader, you need to convert to PDF

How To Save The Flash Player File

How To Save The Flash Player File

The bulk of videos, many online games are built on the Internet based on flash technology. It allows you to create toys, cartoons, animation. What to do to save the video you like from the site? Necessary - computer with Internet access

How To Change The Time On Windows 7

How To Change The Time On Windows 7

Date and time in Windows operating systems are necessary not only for users, but also for most programs. Regardless, the user can change the date and time settings as they see fit. Instructions Step 1 Left-click once on the date and time display at the bottom right of the screen on the taskbar

How To Set The Time In

How To Set The Time In

When you work at a personal computer, time flies by. But do not be unnecessarily distracted by an alarm clock or wall clock, because it is very easy to set the time on your computer. Necessary computer, possibly internet access Instructions Step 1 Go to the Start menu, Control Panel, Date and Time, or find the lower right corner on your computer desktop, which is located on the opposite side of the Start menu

How To Quickly Switch Tabs

How To Quickly Switch Tabs

The ability to open several documents in one window is available in many application and system computer programs. To switch between these documents, tabs are most often used, which most users are accustomed to clicking with the mouse pointer

How To Change A Brush In Photoshop

How To Change A Brush In Photoshop

At first, Adobe Photoshop seems to be a program with a mind-boggling set of functions for a completely incomprehensible purpose. I would like to quickly leave this whopper and re-open the cozy Paint. Then, having got used to it a little, the understanding comes that everything is here for a reason, but new questions arise

How To Insert A Background In Photoshop

How To Insert A Background In Photoshop

Photoshop is a powerful photo editing tool. If used correctly, this program allows you to perform any operations of graphic transformation of images, including changing the background and adding various elements. Instructions Step 1 Launch Adobe Photoshop from the shortcut on your desktop or the Start menu

How To Remove The Processor

How To Remove The Processor

The power of a computer depends to a large extent on the processing power of the processor (stone). When there is not enough of it, the most reasonable solution to the problem is to replace the processor. Sometimes it is necessary to pull out the stone for other reasons:

How To Resize A Picture

How To Resize A Picture

There are many situations when a picture is needed in a strictly defined size, for example, to set an avatar in a diary. It is better to send pictures by email in a small size, and it is faster for you to send, and it is easier for the recipient to receive

How To Make The Computer Share Wi-fi

How To Make The Computer Share Wi-fi

Setting up Wi-Fi distribution using a computer can be divided into two stages. First of all, you need to install the necessary equipment to create an access point on the computer, and then make the necessary settings directly in the operating system itself

How To Mod To Recode

How To Mod To Recode

The mod format used in many camcorders (eg Panasonic, JVC, Canon) is a format for the original video recorded by the camera. In practice, it is an MPEG-2 file with an AC-3 audio track. The mod format can be played on computers in any players that support video playback in MPEG-2

How To Create Your Own Theme Using The Program

How To Create Your Own Theme Using The Program

There are many themes for mobile phones, but it is very difficult to find one among them that suits you 100%. However, the owners of Samsung phones can not waste time searching, but create themes on their own. And this does not require special education and special skills

How To Make A Slide

How To Make A Slide

A slideshow is a video that consists of photos or other images that replace each other. Pictures in slideshows or presentations are often accompanied by music. This is an original way to preserve memories or create a promotional presentation

How To Remove An Authenticity Check

How To Remove An Authenticity Check

If your computer is running an unlicensed copy of the Windows operating system, which is regularly updated from the Microsoft server, sooner or later it will not be authenticated, as a result of which a corresponding notification will appear on the desktop and some functions of the operating system will be limited

How To Resize A Photo

How To Resize A Photo

Sometimes you need to reduce the size of a photo so that it can be uploaded to the site, uploaded to a phone with a small amount of memory. Perhaps you want to set a specific value for the width or height, for example, to create an avatar. Graphical editors allow you to resize files

How To Format Footnotes

How To Format Footnotes

A footnote is a way of formatting and clarifying information given in the main text. In it, you can indicate the historical, scientific, political or other justification for a particular statement, position, event. Text editors allow you to design two types of footnotes - at the end of the page and at the end of the document

How To Mount An Image In Dt

How To Mount An Image In Dt

A disk image contains all the data that can be found on a regular CD or DVD. If you need a suitable device to read a CD, then a virtual drive must be created for the virtual disk. You can mount a disk image to a virtual drive in Daemon Tools Pro in a few steps

How To Open Mdf File

How To Open Mdf File

Disc images recorded in mdf format are not only a stronghold of piracy, but also a good way to extend the life of your DVD drive, whose resources are not unlimited. After using such files, you save yourself from having to insert the original disc into the drive over and over again

How To Restore The System

How To Restore The System

With each new version, the stability and stability of Windows, which has become the topic of many jokes and anecdotes, is slowly but steadily increasing. However, despite this, situations often arise when the operating system does not want to start

How To Build A Modern Computer

How To Build A Modern Computer

The modern computer is a very relative concept. All components that began to be produced no earlier than one year before the current moment can be called modern. However, this does not speak in any way about their characteristics and performance

How To Replace Icons

How To Replace Icons

The standard icons of programs, folders and files often do not look at the selected desktop background or with a given style of displaying the contents of folders. In this case, you can simply replace them with your favorite system ones or your own

How To Install Opera On A Computer

How To Install Opera On A Computer

To open an Internet address and go to it, you need a special program called a "browser". To date, quite a few browsers have been created, but only a few have remained truly popular for a long time. Opera is one of them. Instructions Step 1 Each developer strives not only to release a program that would win the recognition of users, but also to provide an opportunity to download their creation from the official website

How To Cut Discs

How To Cut Discs

Need to throw a game to a friend, and the flash drive is small or missing at all? You will have to burn (cut) a disc or even several discs, if one is not enough. The standard operating system tools are almost always insufficient for such a task

How To Partition Hard Drive In Windows 7

How To Partition Hard Drive In Windows 7

Currently, one of the most popular operating systems is Windows 7. In addition to reliability, an intuitive interface and wide customization options, the advantages of this OS include a fairly simple installation on a computer's hard drive. It is almost automated

How To Update Nod 32

How To Update Nod 32

Nod 32 is one of the most common antivirus programs that protects your computer both on the Internet and against viruses from storage media. But like any program, it needs a timely update of the anti-virus databases. Otherwise, the protection of your computer will be a big question

How To Make A Flv File

How To Make A Flv File

FLV (Flash Video) is a new video format created using Macromedia Flash 8 software. They have successfully solved the problem of huge video files that cannot be played on the Internet. How do you create an FLV file yourself? Instructions Step 1 Open Macromedia Flash 8 and create a new document

How To Play Naruto For Free

How To Play Naruto For Free

"Naruto" is a popular computer game among teenagers based on the anime series of the same name with glamorous ninja warriors in the lead role. The genre of the original game is a fighting game in which the player fights against another player or a computer, and each character has its own combat equipment and special techniques

How To Format A Disk

How To Format A Disk

Formatting is the process of marking up and cleaning up a device that stores information. Most often, the hard drive is formatted, for example, during the reinstallation of Windows. Sometimes a disk is formatted to remove unnecessary files from it, as this is sometimes easier and faster to do than to manually delete folders and files

How To Choose A Wireless Router

How To Choose A Wireless Router

Wi-Fi enabled routers and routers are required to create a wireless access point. Usually they are used to connect mobile computers to the Internet in offices, cafes, or even in their own apartments. Necessary - Access to the Internet

How To Replace A File Extension

How To Replace A File Extension

The file extension is used to define a system of data parameters that can be read by a particular program. Replacing the extension will affect the course of further operations with the file, so this procedure should be performed only when necessary

How To Cut A Face

How To Cut A Face

When editing photographs, it is very important to be able to manipulate parts of the images. To do this, they must be selected and cut out. In Adobe Photoshop, this can be done in a variety of ways, and this is one of them. Necessary Computer, Adobe Photoshop program

How To Install Windows 8

How To Install Windows 8

The procedure for installing a new operating system from Microsoft is similar to that for installing previous versions. However, installing Windows 8 has a number of additional options. Initially, they are aimed at using the system by software developers

How To Build A Pc

How To Build A Pc

Many users have stopped chasing the ever-growing demands of computer games and today use computers, which several years ago were considered the latest technology, like a large media player to watch movies, listen to music on the Internet. But any things become obsolete, microcircuits burn out and break, and therefore it is possible that after a while, in order to revive the computer, you will have to sort out all the components with your own hands, and, perhaps, assemble the PC

How To Compress Mdf File

How To Compress Mdf File

The Microsoft SQL Server database management system today is one of the most flexible and powerful. All data of the databases serviced by it are stored in mdf-files (Master Database File). With intensive use of the database (multiple insertions and deletions of table rows), the container file becomes fragmented

How To Change Guid

How To Change Guid

The Sims 2 has the ability to add custom content. If you decide to create your own object for the game, you need to take care that it does not conflict with the existing ones. Therefore, you should change the GUID for it. Necessary - SimPE

How To Fill The Background

How To Fill The Background

When processing a photo in the graphics editor Photoshop, it may be necessary to fill the background with a solid color. To do this quickly, check out our How-To Guide. Instructions Step 1 Load the photo into Photoshop and select the subject in the foreground

How To Delete Files In A Windows Folder

How To Delete Files In A Windows Folder

It is usually impossible to delete files in the Windows folder that remained on the disk after installing the operating system on it using standard methods, since the user does not have sufficient rights to perform such an operation. But there are ways to accomplish this task

How To Install A Driver For Sound

How To Install A Driver For Sound

The audio driver ensures the operation of the computer's sound card and the sound quality depends on its stability. If, for example, the driver is not installed, then there may be no sound at all. Also, the need to install a sound driver may appear after it has been accidentally damaged

How To Shrink A Disk

How To Shrink A Disk

To save free space on the hard disk of your computer, you can compress it. Today, such an operation can be performed in two ways. Necessary PC, hard drive. Instructions Step 1 Compression of the hard disk followed by automatic compression of the recorded files

How To Reduce Photos

How To Reduce Photos

After taking a series of photos, you can set the desired image size on your computer. To do this, you need to upload a photo from the camera to a PC and use the capabilities of the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop. Necessary Computer, Adobe Photoshop program

How To Recover Deleted From Hard Drive

How To Recover Deleted From Hard Drive

Files deleted from hard drives are no longer available to users. But this does not mean that there is no physical information on the drive. Complete deletion of files occurs only after overwriting certain sectors of the hard drive. Necessary Easy Recover

How To Open A Snippet

How To Open A Snippet

Files with the .shs extension contain the Shell Scrap Object File and are not fully fledged text files. They are used for temporary storage of relocatable objects and are otherwise referred to as fragments, since they can contain scripts for launching an action (scripts)

How To Increase Disk Size

How To Increase Disk Size

When it is necessary to increase the size of the hard disk, many users resort to the help of specialists. But doing this operation yourself without losing important data is quite simple. Necessary DriveSpace 2, Paragon Partition Manager

How To Find The Motherboard

How To Find The Motherboard

The motherboard, or as it is also called - the motherboard, is an important component of the system unit. The motherboard is a kind of base that connects all the components of the computer into one single organism. How do you know which motherboard is installed on your computer?

How To Build A Chart From A Specified Data Array

How To Build A Chart From A Specified Data Array

The word "diagram" in Greek means "drawing". Basically, a chart is a graphical way of presenting data that allows you to quickly estimate the ratio of several quantities. That is why charts are used in various kinds of statistics

How To Remove Kaspersky Antivirus

How To Remove Kaspersky Antivirus

A computer connected to the Internet needs an antivirus for stable operation. If for some reason you decide to uninstall Kaspersky Anti-Virus, you need to take several steps. Instructions Step 1 Close the antivirus. To do this, right-click on the Kaspersky icon in the lower right corner of the screen and click on "

How To Create A Flash Game

How To Create A Flash Game

Flash was originally intended primarily for creating animated videos for web sites. However, thanks to one of its built-in codes (action script), this programming language has become quite popular among game developers. Hand-made production of a Flash game can be a very difficult task, but thanks to the distribution of numerous Flash tutorials and instructions on the web, anyone can try to make such a game

How To Enlarge Your Hard Drive

How To Enlarge Your Hard Drive

Any computer needs periodic updates - when you bought a computer a couple of years ago, you thought that its capabilities would be relevant for a long time. But photos, films, music have accumulated and you already sorely lack free space on your hard drive

How To Clean Drive C Manually

How To Clean Drive C Manually

Probably everyone knows when a computer starts to freeze, boot up for a long time, periodically not respond to your requests, antivirus checks the system for malware for a very long time, and so on. This means that you need to discover the holy of holies - the C drive, on which, in fact, the "

How To Remove A Virus Without An Antivirus

How To Remove A Virus Without An Antivirus

Viruses and malware block the proper functioning of your personal computer. To keep your PC safe, you need to use an antivirus. But if you don't have an antivirus, then you can cope without it. Instructions Step 1 If the Winlock virus program got into the operating system of your personal computer, then you can deal with it without resorting to the help of antivirus software

How To Remove A Virus Program

How To Remove A Virus Program

Often there are situations for personal computer users when various viruses appear on the system, which got along with the installation files of programs. Removing viruses and infected files is easy. Necessary - anti-keylogger

How To Remove Wallpaper

How To Remove Wallpaper

In computer terms, the desktop wallpaper is the background image of the working area of the operating system. The wallpaper is used as a decoration of the once solid-colored desktop. There are animated and static wallpapers. More often you can hear the name wallpaper, which in translation also sounds like wallpaper

How To Remove A Desktop Theme

How To Remove A Desktop Theme

The theme of "Desktop" is usually called not only the background image, but also icons, sounds and other elements that are used to customize the look of the computer at the discretion and taste of the user. If you want to remove your current desktop theme and install a new one, there are a few steps you need to take

How To Destroy A Virus

How To Destroy A Virus

Malicious and dangerous viruses are a real attack for the owners of every PC. A virus can seriously disrupt the operation of the system, creating both minor and fairly large problems. Viruses can destroy even the kernel of your operating system if they are not tracked down and destroyed in time

How To Make A Face Younger In Photoshop

How To Make A Face Younger In Photoshop

With Adobe Photoshop, you can bring back youth, at least in photography. Using the powerful tools of this image editor, remove the veil that time has thrown on someone's face. Instructions Step 1 Open the photo. All changes must be made on a new layer so as not to spoil the main image

How To Apply Makeup In Photoshop

How To Apply Makeup In Photoshop

Professional makeup artists apply makeup in several stages. First, they mask skin imperfections with a corrector, then tint and emphasize facial features with shadows or blush. Then the eyes are highlighted with the help of shadows and added volume to the eyelashes

How To Age In Photoshop

How To Age In Photoshop

Any person has their own personal photos: birthdays, walks with a loved one, meetings of classmates. Most of the photos are probably already boring, which is why the person loves new photos so much. A new photo can be taken not only at a meeting with friends or acquaintances, a new photo can be taken at home

How To Make Yourself Look Older

How To Make Yourself Look Older

No one knows what a person will look like in many years, when he grows old, but you can imagine how the appearance of any person will change in old age by artificially aging his modern photograph in Adobe Photoshop. You can, out of curiosity, age both your own photograph and a photograph of a famous person

How To Remove Folds In Photoshop

How To Remove Folds In Photoshop

The range of tasks successfully solved with the help of professional raster graphics editors, such as Adobe Photoshop, includes the restoration of old photos. One of the most common defects present in such images is deformation of the paper base in the form of folds and fractures

How To Remove A Cooler From A Motherboard

How To Remove A Cooler From A Motherboard

Many modern motherboards use additional coolers as additional cooling for chipsets. But over time, dust can collect on them and they begin to create a high level of noise. To restore normal operation of the cooler, you need to remove it from the motherboard and clean it

How To Clean A Fan

How To Clean A Fan

Overheating of the processor is one of the most common problems in the computer. And if in the system unit users can still figure it out on their own, then in laptops for which overheating is, rather, a common phenomenon after a few months of work, the situation is more complicated

How To Reduce Fan Speed

How To Reduce Fan Speed

There are several ways to reduce the speed of the cooler. Strong fan rotation may be caused by a malfunction of the fan or overheating of the processor, or possibly due to incorrect settings. Instructions Step 1 The most common reason for the overheating of the cooler is processor overheating

How To Disassemble A Graphics Card Cooler

How To Disassemble A Graphics Card Cooler

Modern graphics cards have powerful processors that generate a lot of heat. To cool the cards, heatsinks with additional cooling coolers are used. Over time, these fans become clogged, covered with a layer of dust and completely fail. Accordingly, the cooling level of the video card also drops

What Tests Show Pregnancy Without Delay

What Tests Show Pregnancy Without Delay

The issue of motherhood will never lose its relevance. Even if women approach the issue of pregnancy carefully, the news about it is always unexpected. Some ladies are looking forward to critical days, while others, on the contrary, pray to heaven for a sweet bottle

How To Set Up Subtitles

How To Set Up Subtitles

Subtitles are text that appears on the screen while watching a movie or cartoon. Connoisseurs of foreign cinema often watch films with subtitles in the original. Necessary - a computer with a video player installed. Instructions Step 1 Use special players that support certain types of subtitles, for example, BSPlayer video player supports

How To Find A Program In The Registry

How To Find A Program In The Registry

Sometimes it is necessary to remove a recently installed program, but when searching for an uninstaller, this file may not appear. In this case, it is recommended to delete the program files and clean the system registry. Necessary Regedit software

How To Find The Windows XP Registry

How To Find The Windows XP Registry

In the Microsoft Windows operating system, configuration information is stored in a database called the registry. To find the registry and view the data that it contains (profiles of all computer users, information about the system hardware, settings for installed programs, etc

How To Repair A Sound Driver

How To Repair A Sound Driver

Installing and updating drivers is a very important process that needs to be done after booting a new operating system. There are several ways to find a suitable set of files. Necessary - access to the Internet. Instructions Step 1 First try installing the native driver for your sound card

How To Remove An Old Driver

How To Remove An Old Driver

Due to conflicts of some programs, hardware drivers sometimes stop working correctly. In order to properly install a new, working driver, it is imperative to remove the old driver. Instructions Step 1 Most often, you have to remove non-working drivers for the following devices:

How To Install Drivers On A Network Card

How To Install Drivers On A Network Card

A network card is used to connect computers to a network. Like any other device in the system unit, it will not work if the driver is not installed on it - a small utility that provides the operating system with access to the hardware device

How To Uninstall The Creative Driver

How To Uninstall The Creative Driver

Creative is a sound driver. If your sound has stopped playing correctly, then you can solve this problem by uninstalling and re-installing Creative. It may also need to be removed if you are going to change the sound card. Since each model of audio cards has its own driver versions, then, accordingly, those that are installed on the previous model must be removed

Why Are Drivers Needed

Why Are Drivers Needed

Drivers are computer programs that the operating system uses to communicate with the hardware of specific devices. These programs are essential for the successful use of any device, be it an internal board or external hardware. Most often, the operating system includes sets of drivers necessary for the operation of the basic elements of the computer

What Are Drivers

What Are Drivers

Almost every user of a personal computer has heard of such a concept as drivers. However, not all of them actually have an idea of what they really are. Instructions Step 1 The word "driver" came to Russian from English (driver)

Why Do You Need DirectX

Why Do You Need DirectX

Installing any game or application, a window appears in which the user is prompted to install DirectX. What is DirectX and how does it work? Personal computer users are often faced with DirectX installation. Programs that work with graphics or various computer games support this application

What Are Distributions And Drivers

What Are Distributions And Drivers

Many users of personal computers do not seek to delve into all the nuances of the operation of operating systems, utility programs, computer terminology. However, there are several terms, the meaning of which should be known to every person who has a computer

How To Find The Right Driver

How To Find The Right Driver

For computers, programs are always important, primarily system programs or drivers. A driver is what allows the device and the operating system to communicate. If you do not have a special branded disk with the necessary utilities, then they can be found on the Internet

How To Fill A Mask In Photoshop With Black

How To Fill A Mask In Photoshop With Black

Using layer masks in Photoshop may be useful in different situations, for example, when replacing similar elements. Let's say human faces. However, at the very beginning of the work, you will need to paint the mask black, i.e. make it opaque

How To Make The Program On Top Of All Windows

How To Make The Program On Top Of All Windows

For the convenience of using applications in Windows, it is possible to install windows of some programs on top of others. This can be done both using the functions of the system itself and special utilities. Instructions Step 1 Examine the settings for the application you need

How To Increase The Memory Of A Video Card

How To Increase The Memory Of A Video Card

From year to year, personal computer users observe the modernization of the range of external devices. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with all the new products and you have to optimize the existing hardware. Necessary ATI Tool software

How To Overclock A Graphics Card On A Netbook

How To Overclock A Graphics Card On A Netbook

The vast majority of netbooks use integrated video adapters. Despite the large amount of memory with which these devices can work, their performance is relatively low. Necessary - Riva Tuner; - Nvidia Control Panel; - ATI Cotrol Center

How To Install A Layout

How To Install A Layout

In most cases, Windows operating systems that are installed on personal computers in our country are equipped by default with two keyboard layouts: Russian and English (American). But often in the process of working with other languages, there is a need for additional characters that are not in English

How To Restore The Keyboard

How To Restore The Keyboard

When working on a computer, it is the keyboard that is subjected to the greatest stress, which can gradually lead to its inoperability. While it is easy to replace the keyboard on a regular desktop computer with a new one, in laptops, repairing it becomes a rather serious problem

How To Make A Dll File

How To Make A Dll File

Often, when starting a program, you may encounter a message displayed on the monitor screen: "* .dll file not found". As a result, the program does not start. That is why every PC user should be able to make a dll file. Necessary - Personal Computer

What Is BIOS And Why Is It Needed?

What Is BIOS And Why Is It Needed?

If it seems to you that this scary word means something incredibly complex and far from you, then you are mistaken. BIOS (BIOS) is in every computer and without it you would not be able to use your PC. Every computer user has come across BIOS, but not everyone realized that they saw and used it

How To See The Poppy Address

How To See The Poppy Address

Each physical network device has a personal identifier - MAC (Media Access Control) address. It is a group of six hyphen-separated hexadecimal numbers. Each number in the group can have values from 00 to FF - in decimal, this corresponds to the range from 0 to 255

How To Unpack Repack

How To Unpack Repack

Repack is an image or installer of the game, the data in which has been changed. As a rule, video compression, repackaging of files, removal of "unnecessary" materials, etc. are performed. This leads to the fact that the resulting image has a significantly smaller size compared to the original

How To Check The Poppy Address

How To Check The Poppy Address

MAC-address (also known as hardware address) is a 6-byte digital code that is set by the manufacturer of the network card and uniquely identifies it. According to Ethernet standards, there cannot be two NICs with the same hardware address. Instructions Step 1 The MAC address is a sequence of six pairs of numbers (in hexadecimal) with separators between them

How To Split An Archive Into Several Parts

How To Split An Archive Into Several Parts

To split the archive into several parts, you can use the popular WinRAR program. The splitting method used in it allows you to subsequently unpack such a multivolume archive by double-clicking any of the volumes. Necessary WinRAR archiver

How To Change The Language On The Page

How To Change The Language On The Page

The menus of many sites provide a multilingual viewing option. Switching modes in this case is performed using the main menu of the user control panel or in other sections. Necessary - browser. Instructions Step 1 In order to change the interface language while on one of the pages of the website, find in the title of its menu toggle this parameter

How To Change The Program Icon

How To Change The Program Icon

Sometimes it may happen that you are not satisfied with the icon of a particular program and there is a desire to replace it with another that, in your opinion, is more suitable for it. Well, this is not at all difficult to do. Instructions Step 1 Right-click on the icon of the program you want to replace and in the window that appears, select the very bottom line - Properties

How To Change Icons On The Desktop

How To Change Icons On The Desktop

If you are tired of the standard icons on your PC desktop, you can always change them to more recent and interesting ones. On the Internet, you can find any icons according to your taste and preferences. This replacement requires little time, and the process is fun

How To Find Folder Properties

How To Find Folder Properties

A situation may arise when a user of a personal computer needs to view various properties of folders located on a hard disk. Indeed, it is in these very properties of folders that such settings as the visibility and hiding of folders, icons and pictures of folders that can be displayed instead of the standard yellow icons of Windows folders, and much more are found

How To Set A Color Scheme

How To Set A Color Scheme

Microsoft PowerPoint has several special features that you can use to quickly redesign your slides. One such tool is a set of color schemes that you can apply to an existing or new PowerPoint presentation. Instructions Step 1 Open Microsoft PowerPoint and create a new presentation where you would like to add custom color schemes

In What Format To Save The Video So That It Can Be Read Everywhere

In What Format To Save The Video So That It Can Be Read Everywhere

Today, there are many formats that are used to store and play videos on a variety of devices. Among them, several types of compression stand out, which are universal and can be reproduced both on computers and on mobile devices. MP4 MP4 is by far the most popular format played on mobile devices

Why Video Is Interrupted

Why Video Is Interrupted

Video is one of the most popular media formats today. However, popularity does not make it stable at all, and therefore no user is immune from a number of errors and bugs related to interruption of playback. The situation is saved by the fact that knowledge of the nature of such errors allows you to avoid their occurrence

Why Video Clips And Movies On My Computer Won't Open

Why Video Clips And Movies On My Computer Won't Open

A PC user is often faced with the fact that the player does not open video clips or movies. There may be several reasons for this. And, depending on the cause, the solution to this problem is different. Additional codecs The most likely reason for not opening a video clip or movie on a computer is the lack of the required codecs

How To Change The Greeting Text

How To Change The Greeting Text

After using the operating system for a long time, most users begin to get bored with the standard Windows welcome screen. If desired, the greeting text can be easily changed to something more pleasant and original. Necessary computer, Resuorce Hacker program

How To Back Up A File

How To Back Up A File

Backing up files is a simple operation designed to protect information from loss or damage. None of the carriers of digital information can guarantee its complete safety. The reasons that can cause damage to the file can be physical destruction of the media, a power surge at the time of accessing this file, a virus attack or any malicious software that deliberately removes information from the media, even elementary human forgetfulness or negligence

How To Combine Pdfs In Foxit

How To Combine Pdfs In Foxit

Portable Document Format (PDF) is a common and convenient format for texts, tables and graphics from Adobe. Foxit is a free PDF editor. Often the task arises of combining files in Foxit into one single document. Necessary -computer

How To Make A Hint For Content In InDesign

How To Make A Hint For Content In InDesign

When typesetting content in InDesign, it is often necessary to put down points: either manually typing periods between the section titles and page numbers is a long history, or doing it automatically so that you can edit the text boundaries

How To Change The Welcome Page

How To Change The Welcome Page

You can change the welcome page in Windows XP with a small, free, third-party program. This operation will require minimal computer system skills and a little attention from the user. Necessary - Windows XP; - ResourceHacker

How To Change The Background Of Your Greeting

How To Change The Background Of Your Greeting

The Windows 7 operating system has a modern graphic design and a variety of options for its customization. This system has a very user-friendly interface, however, not all elements can be easily changed at will. Such elements include the background image on the welcome screen when the system boots, when it is necessary to select a user

How To Open Nrg

How To Open Nrg

The nrg extension is used for disc image files created by the popular CD and DVD burning utility Nero. Each image contains information that was on a laser disk or prepared for recording on it in a special format containing all the necessary service data for the formation of a finished CD or DVD disk

How To Open A Disc Image In Nero

How To Open A Disc Image In Nero

To work with virtual disks, DAEMON Tools or Alcohol programs are most often used. But how to access the contents of a virtual disk if these programs are not at hand? Alternatively, you can use the Nero program. There are certain features of the work of this program with virtual disks

How To Burn Iso With Nero

How To Burn Iso With Nero

The iso file contains a "disk image" - a very exact copy from which you can recreate the original disk if necessary. This format allows you to save not only files, but also the disk system of the original CD or DVD. A set of programs from the German company Nero allows you to burn images contained in iso files to physical media

How To Install A Game With Nero

How To Install A Game With Nero

One of the advantages of the Nero Burning Rom software package is the virtual disk function. It is called Nero Image Drive and creates another drive in the system. That is, you can create disc images, including those with games. This allows you to install games from images mounted to a virtual disk drive

How To Write Dts Files

How To Write Dts Files

DTS is an encoding algorithm that was originally intended only for use with 5.1 multi-channel audio. It is in the DTS Audio CD format that audio tracks for cinemas are distributed. Necessary - Ashampoo Burning Studio program. Instructions Step 1 Use Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 to burn DTS audio albums

How To Unpack Nrg

How To Unpack Nrg

The popular optical disc burning application Nero Burning Rom has a very useful image saving function. In addition to the open ISO format, images can be saved in the proprietary nrg program format. In the future, an image of the nrg format can be written to a real optical disc, but the application does not provide an opportunity to extract information from it

How To Insert Animation Into A Letter

How To Insert Animation Into A Letter

Emails are a convenient means of communication. Their popularity has not diminished, and largely due to all kinds of ways of writing the text. For example, you can add one or more animated images to an email to make it more colorful and unique

How To Get Rid Of Viruses Without Antivirus

How To Get Rid Of Viruses Without Antivirus

Installing antivirus software is not a panacea. SurfRight reports that two-thirds of computers infected with virus programs are unaware of this. Antivirus is a necessary, but not sufficient, part of a computer protection program. Rescue of an infected computer is possible without using antivirus software

How To Find Out The Banner Code

How To Find Out The Banner Code

Computer viruses spoil the lives of many negligent PC users. Most of the virus software is not capable of causing any harm to your computer or operating system. Many of them are written solely for the purpose of gaining access to certain files

How To Get Rid Of A Virus On The Network

How To Get Rid Of A Virus On The Network

The problem of the appearance of viruses on the local network is one of the most common threats to the peace of mind of the administrator. Ideally, you need to solve three tasks - to detect already infected computers, to identify malicious applications, and, finally, to block and destroy the virus

How To Determine If A Computer Has A Virus

How To Determine If A Computer Has A Virus

Computer viruses steal user passwords, funds from virtual wallets, block the operation of the machine and require sending SMS, make files hidden on disks, and spoil the lives of users in other ways. If you find this, you should immediately take action to search for and remove the malicious program

How To Write Text On A Computer

How To Write Text On A Computer

You can print text on a computer using 2 programs: Word and Notepad. Notepad is easier to learn, but Word provides many additional options for converting text. Necessary - Microsoft Word; - Notebook. Instructions Step 1 Open Word To type text on your computer, select Start - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Word

How To Determine The Amount Of RAM

How To Determine The Amount Of RAM

The amount of RAM directly affects the speed of the computer - the higher it is, the faster the system works. Usually, the user knows the parameters of the RAM installed on the computer. But when working on an unfamiliar computer or if you have problems with performance, you may need to look at the information on the random access memory

How To Replace The RAM

How To Replace The RAM

To quickly increase the performance of your computer, it is recommended to add or replace strips of RAM. For the correct implementation of this process, you need to know the intricacies of choosing RAM. Necessary - crosshead screwdriver

How To Check The Voltage Of The Power Supply

How To Check The Voltage Of The Power Supply

On the case of the computer power supply, it is indicated which voltages must be present at each of the outputs. Often, however, these voltages do not correspond to the nominal ones. To check if this is so, they need to be measured. Instructions Step 1 With a working computer, you can measure the output voltages of the power supply using the analog-to-digital converters built into the motherboard

How To Remove A Printer From The System

How To Remove A Printer From The System

If you had to print using different printers, then during your work several installed printers have accumulated in the system, which can interfere with sending documents for printing. Removing unnecessary hardware from the system partition will not be difficult, even for novice users

How To Resize Your Monitor

How To Resize Your Monitor

Monitors come in a variety of sizes. In the process of work, you can change the size, that is, the screen settings. At the moment, there are many ways that you can easily change the resolution of the monitor. The best option is to use full-fledged software

How To Slice Avi

How To Slice Avi

In certain situations, it may be necessary to cut a certain fragment from the avi file or divide it into several parts. Video editing programs come to the rescue in this case. Instructions Step 1 Choose one of the video editing programs

How To Split An Avi File Into Parts

How To Split An Avi File Into Parts

AVI is one of the most common digital video storage formats. Recordings from video cameras, TV tuners, videos downloaded from the Internet, in most cases, are presented in this format. Therefore, many users of personal computers so often have a question about how to split an avi file into parts

How To Split Avi Into 2 Parts

How To Split Avi Into 2 Parts

When recording video to various media, it is often necessary to pre-split the files into several elements. To carry out this process, it is customary to use special utilities. Necessary - VideoCharge; - VirtualDub. Instructions Step 1 Download the VideoCharge program from its developers site

How To Create Your Own Computer Theme

How To Create Your Own Computer Theme

If you do not like Windows themes, you can independently choose the theme components separately, create your own style of the operating system interface. The created themes can not only be installed on your computer, but also shared with your friends

How To Install Themes On PC

How To Install Themes On PC

Each user customizes the Windows interface for himself. Fortunately, customizing Windows graphics is pretty easy. You can customize and change absolutely everything: icons, font icons, screensaver and desktop wallpaper. You can also always find and install additional themes for Windows

How To Delete A Hard Drive Partition

How To Delete A Hard Drive Partition

Programs that allow you to delete a hard disk partition and perform other operations on it are called disk managers. There are a lot of such programs: Partition Logic, BootIt Next Generation, Partition Manager, Acronis Disk Director and others

How To Connect A Hard Drive To The Motherboard

How To Connect A Hard Drive To The Motherboard

Incorrect connection of the hard drive can be the reason that the system simply will not see it, if a second hard drive is connected, then all available hard drives can become invisible. Meanwhile, connecting the hard drive to the motherboard is no big deal

How To Free Up A Hard Drive

How To Free Up A Hard Drive

Comparatively old hard drives have a small amount of memory. When working with such hard drives, it is necessary to periodically delete unnecessary information and clean up the partitions. Instructions Step 1 If you do not care about the information stored on certain partitions of your hard drive, perform a complete cleanup

How To Remove Red Eye In Photoshop

How To Remove Red Eye In Photoshop

Red eyes are one of the most annoying flaws in photographs. The fundus of a person is red due to the blood vessels located in it. Under certain shooting conditions and when using the built-in flash, this effect appears in the pictures. Many programs can automatically remove red-eye from digital photos, but the result is often not satisfactory

How To Remove Redness Of The Face In Photoshop

How To Remove Redness Of The Face In Photoshop

In the process of processing images taken in cool weather, one has to deal with the need to correct the shade of reddened skin. This can be done with a mask and selective color correction. Necessary - Photoshop program; - Photo

How To Make Red Eyes In Photoshop

How To Make Red Eyes In Photoshop

It happens that you take a closer look at a person and notice that some kind of devilry is going on with him: he confuses toothbrushes, walks around in other people's slippers and, worst of all, forgets to wash the dishes. It is necessary to immediately remind him of the virtues and return to the camp of the good guys

How To Process Eyes In Photoshop

How To Process Eyes In Photoshop

One of the most important details in any photographic composition involving people is the eyes. Therefore, they are often required to be processed when preparing a picture for printing. This can be done in Adobe Photoshop, a powerful professional graphics editor

How To Remove Light In Photoshop

How To Remove Light In Photoshop

One of the most common and annoying defects that appear in photographs even at the time of shooting is the flashing of a part of the image. This happens when light sources or objects that create bright reflections enter the frame. You can remove glare in the image in the raster graphics editor Adobe Photoshop

How To Make A Usb Hub

How To Make A Usb Hub

A USB hub is a device that allows you to simultaneously connect several devices to one port of this standard. Although such a hub is inexpensive, there is a way to get it for almost nothing. Instructions Step 1 Visit any workshop that repairs computer monitors

How To Connect A Hub

How To Connect A Hub

With the advent of a second computer, many users have a need to connect it to an existing local network with Internet access. The difficulty lies in the fact that computers have only one connector, so it is necessary to expand this ability. Necessary Hub, twisted pair, plastic connectors, special crimping tool

How To Compress A Twisted Pair Cable For A Hub

How To Compress A Twisted Pair Cable For A Hub

To connect computers to a network, you need the computers themselves with built-in network cards, a switch (also called a hub), and a twisted-pair network cable. If the computers are in different rooms, then the cable will have to be laid uncrimped, and then crimped on the finished ends

How To Connect A Hub To A Hub

How To Connect A Hub To A Hub

Sometimes situations arise when additional equipment must be used to expand the local network. In such cases, it is recommended to resort to installing a network hub or hub. Necessary Network hub (hub), network cables. Instructions Step 1 First, select the correct network hub

How To Play The Game "Fairy School"

How To Play The Game "Fairy School"

Fairy School is a game for girls aged 7-10. It has a fairly user-friendly interface and is easy to learn. The game mode is online, so registration may be required on different servers. Necessary - Internet connection. Instructions Step 1 To play the Fairy School online game, make sure you have a high-speed internet connection, the latest flash player and working arrow keys in the keyboard configuration

How To Password Protect A File

How To Password Protect A File

The aspect of secure storage of information was and remains very important. If several other people work on your computer, or, for example, you need to transfer a file containing important information over the network, do not be lazy - protect it with a password

How To Protect The Program With A Password

How To Protect The Program With A Password

It often happens that several people can work on one computer. This applies to both the home PC and the computer that the user works with, for example, in the office. And there may be a situation when you have installed the program on such a PC, but do not want anyone other than you to use it

How To Protect Your Computer From Hacks

How To Protect Your Computer From Hacks

Nowadays more and more people use the Internet to communicate, work, shop and get useful information. And very often hackers create a lot of viruses that can not only gain access to information, but also damage your computer. Therefore, it is very important to be able to protect your computer in order to prevent possible problems and prevent viruses from entering

How To Start Defragmentation

How To Start Defragmentation

Disk defragmentation updates the logical structure of disk space in such a way that writing a single file takes up a contiguous sequence of clusters. Whereas usually, during long-term operation of the system, parts of the files are located in different places of the physical medium

An Easy Way To Increase Windows Performance

An Easy Way To Increase Windows Performance

Operating system performance may decrease over time. Windows open slowly, the launch speed of programs slows down, so you often want to reinstall Windows. But this is not always justified, it is enough to make a number of simple settings. To complete the settings, your account must have administrator rights

How To Assemble A Computer Yourself

How To Assemble A Computer Yourself

For those who are more or less versed in computer hardware, it is no longer a secret that the total cost of components required to assemble a computer is lower than a finished computer. This is explained by the fact that assembly firms charge a certain fee for assembly

How To Connect A Hard Drive To A Computer

How To Connect A Hard Drive To A Computer

An additional hard drive is a very useful thing. Now a huge number of interesting files are sold and available on the Internet - films, training courses, music, etc. If you save all this in a computer, then a standard hard disk, no matter how capacious it is, will not be enough

How To Build A Computer Yourself

How To Build A Computer Yourself

Self-assembly of a computer allows you to get the equipment of exactly the configuration that you need, and gives you the opportunity to save money without purchasing a ready-made machine. To assemble a computer yourself, you must decide on the purpose of the future computer and, based on this, choose and buy components for it

How To Connect New Hard Drives

How To Connect New Hard Drives

The growth of digital technology is setting its pace in the world of computers, and few people are surprised that they have to increase the volume of hard drives and their performance. However, old models can serve you along with "newbies"

How To Burn Linux To Disk

How To Burn Linux To Disk

After downloading the distribution kit of the Linux operating system, it must then be burned to a CD or DVD. Only then can it be installed on a computer. This recording can be done using the computer itself. Instructions Step 1 Make sure that the Linux operating system disk image file you downloaded has an iso or ISO extension

How To Install A SATA Hard Drive

How To Install A SATA Hard Drive

You will have to pay a certain amount of money to install a hard drive in a service center. In addition, lugging a system unit with you is not a very pleasant occupation either. It is much easier to install a hard drive at home. Even if you have no idea about the architecture of a computer, you can still cope with such a task

How To Connect Another Hard Drive To Your Computer

How To Connect Another Hard Drive To Your Computer

The need to connect a second hard drive to a computer may arise when there is not enough free space to store files on a standard hard drive, as well as if you need to quickly transfer information from one device to another. This operation has its own characteristics

How To Disassemble Layers In Photoshop

How To Disassemble Layers In Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful graphics editor based on working with layers. Layers are structural elements of an image, similar to an appliqué. Necessary - computer; - Adobe Photoshop program. Instructions Step 1 Launch Adobe Photoshop to decompose the image into layers

How To Apply Layers In Photoshop

How To Apply Layers In Photoshop

The fact that Photoshop supports working with layers allows you to edit the contents of one layer without touching the images on the other layers. Layers can be added, removed, swapped, duplicated, and glued. The main tool for working with layers is the layers palette, which by default is located in the middle of the right side of the program window

How To Select Multiple Layers

How To Select Multiple Layers

In the process of editing an image in the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop, sometimes it is necessary to perform some manipulations simultaneously with two or even with a whole group of layers. Unfortunately, not all operations can be applied to a group, but for example positioning, transforming, applying styles work well

How To Select Layers In Photoshop

How To Select Layers In Photoshop

When working with photographs and drawings in the graphics editor Photoshop, it is often necessary to make changes to individual layers of the image. Layers can also be combined into groups, which greatly simplifies the editing process. Instructions Step 1 Launch Adobe Photoshop and load the graphic file that you want to edit

How To Find Out Which Codec You Need

How To Find Out Which Codec You Need

It’s sad to find that the video that you have so hard searched all over the internet doesn’t want to play on your computer. However, this problem can be solved by determining what codec the file is packed with and installing this codec on the system

What Is A Scanner

What Is A Scanner

A scanner is a device that allows you to create an exact copy of a graphic object. Typically, this object is typed text on a piece of paper. Scanners began to be used everywhere with the emergence of the need to scan photographs, texts and other objects

How To Determine The Format Of A Video File

How To Determine The Format Of A Video File

If you need to transfer a video file from a computer to a phone, smartphone, PDA or other mobile device, you definitely need to know its format. If the video file is not supported by the device you are about to dump it to, it will not play. Therefore, before transferring the file, it will need to be converted into a suitable format

How To Set Up A Wan Port

How To Set Up A Wan Port

Routers and routers use WAN ports to connect to the Internet. Correct configuration of this channel ensures stable and high-quality operation of network equipment. Necessary - Network cable. Instructions Step 1 Connect the router to AC power

What Are Programming Languages for?

What Are Programming Languages for?

Computers are becoming more widespread every year. They are becoming faster and more convenient to use, and the profession of a programmer has long become one of the most demanded and highly paid ones. Even a person far from programming has almost certainly heard that there are programming languages

How To Start Powershell

How To Start Powershell

Windows Powershell (formerly Monad) is a Windows Server management tool released by Microsoft. Powershell scripts can be created using any text editor that runs within the shell. To start Powershell, see the instructions. Instructions Step 1 Open the main Powershell command page

How To Protect Your Computer From A Virus

How To Protect Your Computer From A Virus

Many people think that one installed antivirus is enough to protect a computer, and when a virus nevertheless infects a computer, they begin to scold the antivirus program or change it to another. In order to ensure the full security of your PC, you need to complete a set of measures and remember several rules for working with the Internet

How To Secure Your Computer

How To Secure Your Computer

Computer security is a major concern for PC users, even those who do not access the Internet. After all, malicious computer viruses can get into a computer not only from the Internet, but also through external storage media (USB flash drive, CD, DVD, floppy disks, etc

How To Turn On The Wireless Keyboard

How To Turn On The Wireless Keyboard

The wireless keyboard allows you to control your computer from a distance of several meters. This is especially convenient if the computer is not connected to a monitor, but to a TV. Instructions Step 1 If the wireless keyboard receiver is designed to be connected to the PS / 2 connector, connect it with the computer turned off

How To Protect Your Computer From Dust

How To Protect Your Computer From Dust

The internal elements of the computer system unit must be protected from dust. This will extend the life of the coolers and prevent damage to internal cards, such as a video card or network card. Instructions Step 1 First, as often as possible carry out wet cleaning of the room in which the system unit is located

How To Protect Your Computer From Malware

How To Protect Your Computer From Malware

Currently, there is a continuing confrontation in the computer industry between those who write malware and those who fight it. Against this background, the task of protecting users' computers from unlawful encroachments is urgent. There are many ways to solve it, and each user decides for himself which of them to use

How To Install A Hard Drive On A Computer

How To Install A Hard Drive On A Computer

With the purchase of a new hard disk (hard drive), novice users face the problem of installing it inside the computer. Of course, you can contact specialized service services, but this simple operation can be performed on your own, saving time and money

How To Install A New Hard Drive

How To Install A New Hard Drive

No matter how large the hard disk installed in the computer, free space on it may sooner or later run out. Nowadays, when high-speed Internet makes it possible to download movies in HD quality, and one installed game takes up several gigabytes, this is all the more important

How To Install A Hard Drive In A Desktop Computer

How To Install A Hard Drive In A Desktop Computer

The need to install a hard disk can arise in two cases: you want to install a larger disk, or the one that is installed on your computer is out of order and you want to replace it. In both cases, you need to know how to properly install a hard drive in a stationary computer

How To Split The C Drive Into Two

How To Split The C Drive Into Two

Very often, a large hard drive needs to be divided into two or more parts in order to install the operating system on one of the parts, and store the necessary files on the others. Partitioning the C drive can be done in different ways, depending on the operating system installed on the computer

How To Split A Disk In Two

How To Split A Disk In Two

If necessary, the hard drive can be split into several parts. This operation is not mandatory, but it is recommended by many experts, because it has many advantages. Necessary Partition Manager, Windows Vista or 7 disk. Instructions Step 1 Let's take a look at the option of partitioning the hard drive before installing the Windows Seven or Vista operating system

How To Partition A New Hard Drive

How To Partition A New Hard Drive

Many computer or laptop users are used to having their hard drives split into multiple partitions. This is a very useful feature that allows you to restore or change the operating system, if necessary, without losing important data. But not everyone knows how to partition a hard drive, especially when it's a freshly purchased new hard drive

What Is The Internal Memory Of A Computer

What Is The Internal Memory Of A Computer

The personal computer of each user has external and internal memory, but not everyone knows what it really is and what function it performs. The internal memory of a personal computer is a special storage device that works directly with the processor

How To Turn Off Email Notification

How To Turn Off Email Notification

Letter (e-mail) notifications are part of the information that Microsoft Office Outlook displays as desktop alerts. In addition to notifications about incoming mail, it is also customary to include data of meeting requests and assignments as notifications

How To Program In Basic

How To Program In Basic

A voice card is an original way to congratulate relatives, friends or colleagues on any occasion. You do not have to look for suitable words for congratulations, on the Internet there is an opportunity to choose a thematic congratulation and send it to the addressee

How To Reduce Wav Size

How To Reduce Wav Size

Wav is one of the containers for recording an audio stream. As a rule, uncompressed audio is recorded in wav, which makes the file size quite large. To reduce the size, you can convert the sound to a format with a higher degree of compression, or, leaving the sound in the wav container, compress it with a codec

How To Make Mp3 Smaller

How To Make Mp3 Smaller

The mp3 format is also convenient, which makes it possible to receive relatively high-quality sound files of a small size. But what if you need to download several mp3 files to a device with little memory? To solve this problem, any audio editor is quite suitable, which, when saving files, allows you to control compression settings

How To Change The File Format To Music

How To Change The File Format To Music

There are situations where the media player on your computer, player or phone refuses to recognize the music file. This can be due to incorrect track name and extension. It is also sometimes required to convert the file to a suitable music format

How To Change The Frequency

How To Change The Frequency

Since everything that the video card does is displayed on your monitor, you can see all the setup flaws with your own eyes. The video adapter is paired with the monitor. In the settings of any video card there is an item such as the refresh rate of the screen

How To Change The Sound Quality

How To Change The Sound Quality

To significantly improve the sound quality when recording or editing audio files, just know a few simple rules. Of course, the sound quality depends a lot on personal perception. You will have to experiment to get the best sound, but keep in mind the basic laws of working with sound, which can be applied to almost any situation

How To Recode To Another Format

How To Recode To Another Format

There are many video formats available for different purposes. The video format used in webcasting differs markedly from the format in which the movie is recorded on DVD. Videos captured with a mobile phone may not be in the format supported by the home theater

How To Increase The Compression Ratio

How To Increase The Compression Ratio

To save space on the hard disk partition, it is recommended to use the data archiving or compression process. It can be done using various programs or tools of the Windows operating system. Necessary - 7-Zip. Instructions Step 1 If you need to shrink an entire local disk to expand its size, use the built-in feature of Windows Seven

How To Create A Web Design

How To Create A Web Design

Every website builder first of all solves the most important problem, namely: how should the future website look like? This question is not easy to answer. In web design, you need to skillfully combine many parameters that determine the attention of visitors and their pleasure from visiting your site

Microsoft Frontpage As A Way To Create A Website

Microsoft Frontpage As A Way To Create A Website

To create your site today, it is not at all necessary to know programming languages or special technical skills. Using the FrontPage program from the Microsoft Office suite, you can quickly build a very good site, which, when placed on a server, will have good functionality

What Are Algorithms And Why Are They Needed

What Are Algorithms And Why Are They Needed

Any person in his daily life is forced to solve a large number of different tasks. He does not think about solving some problems (“buying groceries”), while others cause difficulties and long reflections (“collecting the Rubik's cube”). All the above examples of simple and complex tasks have in common that they can be broken down into individual understandable steps

How To Install Multiple Navigation Software

How To Install Multiple Navigation Software

As a rule, most navigators contain some one navigation program. This is done, most likely, for selfish reasons of the manufacturer itself. But everything can be fixed. If you are the lucky owner of a Lexand navigator, then you are in luck - the navigator supports the installation of several navigation programs and there should be no problems

How To Turn Off Autocorrect

How To Turn Off Autocorrect

By default, AutoCorrect mode is enabled in the Microsoft Word text editor and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, which corrects some common user errors: two uppercase letters at the beginning of a word, Caps Lock enabled, and others. Not everyone likes this service, and if you want, you can quickly turn it off

How To Set Up AutoCorrect In Word

How To Set Up AutoCorrect In Word

The AutoCorrect feature allows you to correct typos and spelling mistakes in words. Also, the setting allows using hot keys to insert various symbols and fragments into the text. In this case, the autocorrect list can be edited through the built-in Word tools

How To Put A Dash

How To Put A Dash

When working with documents in a text editor, the question of hyphens and dashes often arises. How can you make the dash automatically appear where you need it? In the text editor Microsoft Office Word, this feature was implemented, but not completely

How To Connect A Car Radio To A Computer

How To Connect A Car Radio To A Computer

An ordinary car radio, even the most inexpensive, with normal sound and not from well-known manufacturers, is capable of "shaking" your home speaker system when properly connected at home. In terms of purity and sound quality, it can overtake most modern music centers

How To Change The Cursor

How To Change The Cursor

A mouse cursor is a tilted arrow, usually white, that displays mouse movement in real time on the screen.You can change the size of the cursor and its appearance in the control panel of the Windows operating system. Instructions Step 1 Go to the control panel through "

How To Remove Accelerator

How To Remove Accelerator

One type of ransomware virus is the Get Accelerator program. A window appears on the desktop of the infected computer with the message "You need to register your copy of Get Accelerator …" and a request to send an SMS to the short number 9099

What Are The Programs For Making Films

What Are The Programs For Making Films

Programs for creating films differ in their functionality and capabilities for editing fragments of video files. The choice of software for filming should be made in accordance with editing skills and functional requirements for the product