Utilities (from the English. Utility - utility program) are computer programs for narrow purposes that extend the standard capabilities of the operating system and simplify the process of changing some parameters.

Step 1
The functions of the utilities are very diverse: from performing typical tasks to fighting computer viruses and managing settings for additional equipment.
Step 2
Recovering deleted files on a computer is carried out using a utility program that can be found on the Internet for free. By applying this program after unsuccessfully deleting data from the recycle bin, you can put your valuable files back in place.
Step 3
File encryption can also be performed with the utility, which protects personal information that is not subject to distribution on the network.
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Utilities track performance indicators of computer parts: processor, video card, hard drives. These assistants will let you know when the temperature goes off scale or the disc reading function turns off. To avoid this, the same programs conduct regular checks.
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The utilities help you manage the settings for optional built-in and peripheral equipment: CD / DVD drive, printer, fan, etc. For example, there is a utility for the printer that allows you to reduce ink consumption.
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The utilities for fine-tuning the system change parameters that are often difficult for the user to access, which make it possible to make the graphical interface more convenient or to optimize the operation of the entire system. However, you should be careful when using them, because they can make tangible changes to the registry or configuration, which can then be almost impossible to return to its original state. These utilities are called tweakers.
Step 7
However, utilities are not only useful, but also harmful, for example, programs created by hackers to damage the computer and steal personal files. Hacking utilities include parts of the program code for the automatic creation of viruses; worms that interfere with the normal operation of the machine; joke programs that inform the user of false information about the operation of the computer and disorient him, etc.
Step 8
Some software developers provide users with universal sets of software utilities that implement most of the additional functions. Having such a kit, you can not be afraid of failures, these assistants will cope with any problem much better than standard software tools.