For a modern young person, a personal computer is not only a means of work, but also a pastime. If a few decades ago computers occupied large areas, today there are already portable versions that can fit in a pocket.

First of all, the computer today is used not only for work, but also for entertainment. This ratio, the components of which are constantly replacing each other, is firmly rooted in the daily schedule of the "computer scientist". If you are a photographer or like to create any kind of images, you cannot do without a computer and graphic software package. Do you like to compose and constantly pick up rhymes? Again, you cannot do without this device. If you are a music lover, designer, designer, mathematician, programmer or teacher, you are somehow susceptible to some kind of dependence on computer technology. You also need a computer to search for information. With its help it is possible to use information from dictionaries and reference books on CD / DVD-disks or information obtained from the Internet. Roughly speaking, you are at home and with the help of a computer you can find out the flight schedule, call a taxi or order something to eat, having previously discussed all the nuances with a consultant on the company's website. Since you are interested in information and you need to either memorize it or somewhere store, you will need storage media such as flash drives or hard drives. To back up your data, use special storage services on the Internet. Information can be shared with friends and comrades, but at the same time do not leave your own apartment. Today, there are a large number of messaging options, such as email, video conferencing and instant messaging. A computer will also be useful not only for a particular person, but also for his entire family. You can buy films using the Internet or watch them online for free. It is also possible to buy almost any product you like, taking into account delivery to your home.