To ensure the constant purchase of licensed copies of computer games, developers improve the graphics, physics of the game, try to bring the action closer to real life. Developing the plot and writing the script also takes a significant place.

After the appearance of the atomic bomb, the whole story changed. A weapon that can change the world beyond recognition in one blast has captured the minds of people. And after the US military dropped 2 bombs on Japanese cities and the events with the release of the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, society began to worry about the issue of survival and non-use of such technologies. Of course, such an endless topic has been adopted by the game development studios.
List of games with nuclear appeals
The first game on the list is Fallout. This is a whole series of three games. In the last part, the action begins to unfold in a shelter bunker deep underground. According to the plot, the Third World War happened in the world, which destroyed the Earth in the form in which everyone knew it. The main character is already born in a bunker, and when he grows up, he goes out to explore the world after an atomic disaster.
The second but not the largest S. T. A. L. K. E. R. All events unfold on the territory of Pripyat - a Ukrainian city near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The uniqueness of the game is that a huge territory is conveyed with incredible accuracy. According to the plot of the first part "Shadow of Chernobyl" you are looking for a person who will tell you what happened to you.
A nuclear explosion at one of the levels of the game takes place in the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. When playing as a soldier of the American army, the explosion is carried out by terrorists in the city of Bisra (Iraq). This episode has a large-scale video, and after that you play a mini mission as a survivor after an explosion. In the end, you still die from wounds and radiation.
The explosion can be seen in the game Metro 2033. The plot of the game is based on the history of the book of the same name, written by the Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky. The emphasis in this game is not on the explosion itself, but on its consequences. This is why the game is similar to Fallout 3, but here the action takes place in Moscow.
The popular Battlefield series also explodes in the third installment. On behalf of the protagonist, you observe its course, and then the consequences.
What unites all games with such events
In all games related to military operations, the consequences are always quite realistic and only show the scale, the amount of damage and the number of deaths. But in games with life in radioactive conditions, one cannot do without a share of fantasy. In games there are mutants, which must be mercilessly shot, and changes in nature. As a rule, there is always some kind of evil that started all this.