Sometimes you need to create some kind of protection on your computer against third-party users who might not be able to run certain programs. For example, a computer is located in a gateway of an enterprise or simply has wide access. You can use a special program, but, as a rule, it stops performing its functions after the completion of the process in the task manager.

System solution to ban the launch of executable files
Step 1
If the hard disk of the computer on which you intend to create protection against launching programs is formatted in the NTFS system, the launch of specific files, as well as the opening of directories, can be set in the file system settings. If you have a FAT file system, this operation is no longer possible. However, the operating system Windows XP Professional has the ability to manage security policies.
Step 2
To activate local security policies, go to the "Control Panel" (via the "Start" menu), select the "Administrative Tools" section, then go to the "Local Security Policy" section. Here you need to select the item "Software Restriction Policies" and click "Additional Rules".
Step 3
Call the context menu by right-clicking on the selected item and select "Create hash rule". In the window that opens, you must click on the "Browse" button, then select the executable file of the program (prohibiting the launch of a specific program).
Step 4
In the "Security" item, you must set the value "Not allowed", close the window. In the "Forced" item, you must indicate the restrictions for all users, except for the administrator himself (otherwise you will not be able to open this program).
Step 5
Thus, through the "Software Restriction Policies" applet, you have set the ability to prohibit some programs. Now these programs need to be defined, i.e. set specific names of processes prohibited from starting. Any system settings can be edited using the registry, this case is no exception. The key to protect the launch of programs looks like this: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer. And the key containing the file names is one level lower: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerRestrictRun.
Step 6
Now you need to create any text file, insert the following lines:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]
"RestrictRun" = dword: 00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerRestrictRun]
"1" = "program.exe"
"2" = "application.exe"
Replace "program.exe" and "application.exe" with the names of the files you want to prevent from running. Save this document as Zapret.reg and run it. Answer yes to the question about entering data into the register of your system. After the computer restarts, the changes will take effect.