It is customary to call a script a certain sequence of player actions, consisting of console commands and executed when the selected script is launched in automatic mode. In Counter Strike, scripting is not difficult even for a novice user.

Step 1
Call the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button and go to the "All Programs" item. Expand the "Accessories" link and start the Notepad application. Create a new text document and type the contents of your script into it. Open the "File" menu of the upper service panel of the application window and select the "Save As" command. Change the extension of the generated file from.txt to.cfg.
Step 2
Place the generated file in a folder
Counter-Strike Source / cstrike / cfg
and start the game in console mode. Open a console by pressing the tilde button and type exec new_script_name in the text box.
Step 3
To automatically run the created script, you need to open the cstrike / cfg folder and find the autoexec.cfg file. Enter the exec script_name command in the found file and save the changes made.
Step 4
Check out the basic commands required to write your own Counter Strike script:
- bind - to assign the selected action to a specific key;
- alias - to assign certain actions to the selected command;
- exec - to run the selected file containing the script;
- echo - to display information on the screen.
Step 5
Use some simple CS script syntax rules:
- the value of the command is written in quotation marks;
- multiple bind and alias commands are separated by semicolons;
- the maximum size of the alias command is 31 characters;
- the value of the bind and alias commands cannot contain a semicolon;
- using the Russian language means saving the file in UTF-8 encoding.
Step 6
Use the ability to add a comment to the generated script. To do this, separate the contents of the comment from the script itself with //. This symbol will prevent the game from processing the selected line and will exclude it from the script content.