Scripts are often encountered by Linux system administrators. A script is a configuration of parameters as well as specified actions. Anyone can learn to write scripts. To do this, you need to read the relevant magazines, books, watch information on the Internet.

Personal Computer
Step 1
Scripts are files with the ". SEC" extension. You can even open and read them, create them in Notepad. Only to save this extension, you need to set the Unicode encoding. To learn how to write scripts, you must become familiar with commands and understand structures. To write, you need to open Notepad. Press Insert + 0 to launch the Script Manager. Then press the button with the letter "S". Then click on the "Enter" button. This will open the "notepad.jss" file. To start creating a script, press "Ctrl + E". Now start writing any script that starts from the header itself. It represents information. Comments are indicated by two oblique lines. In the header, write brief information about the script itself. Do not forget to indicate the time of writing, version. Then, at the end of the header, write the command "SAY" and the command "MSG". Remember to pause after each command you execute. End the script with the "EXIT" command.
Step 2
Any script starts with a keyword. It could even be the word "Script" itself. After it, write a name, which can consist of several words. They should be combined and describe the actions of this script. Capitalize these words. After the name, write the declaration of all local variables, and then include functions and arithmetic operations in the script. They also control the script. It can be bound to a key. Then it starts with a capital one letter.
Step 3
Download PHP Expert Editor to write scripts. Make the settings to work. Go to "Options", select the "Editor Options" tab there. Then go to "Run & Debug" and "Script Interpreters". A window will open where you specify the path to PHP and PHP5, and Perl. You will run the script using the "F10" button.