The game "Zombie Farm" will not leave indifferent many users of social networks. From the very first glance, it mesmerizes with its bright and unusual graphics. In this game, you can grow various plants and collect resources from them, build buildings and develop a colony, discover new locations, play with friends and exchange gifts.

Getting to know the game
The plot of the game is quite original: the main character is a zombie who has ended up in an unknown space, where a tribe of such creatures chooses him as their leader. The player has a long way to go and make a lot of effort to regain human form. Under the leadership of the leader, three zombies are given who will free the territory from boulders and trees, prepare potions, harvest crops, - in general, do all the current work. At the very beginning of the game, the basics of character control and methods of colony development will be shown. It is noteworthy that the entire gameplay takes place under funny music and a funny commentator's voice.
How do I complete the three tutorial quests?
After the player is familiar with the basics of management, he is invited to complete three training quests. The first one is called "Flowers of Life" and gives a general idea of the cultivation of garden crops. In this task, you need to plant your first beds in an arbitrary place.
The second quest is called "Production". To complete it, you will need to extract stones and logs to create cement. To do this, you need to click the mouse to select the building "Lumberjack's Tomb" and "Stonecutter's Tomb", then point to any tree or pile of stones, respectively. The extracted stones and logs must be used in the construction of the mill, in which the cement itself will later be created.
The third quest is called "Golovnyak": in it you will need to collect some elements of the collections that will fall out during the game from fully developed resource sources, as well as give your friends 200 gifts. It takes quite a long time to complete the quest, and its main task is to accustom the user to the gaming community. After completing the training tasks, the player receives an exhaustive excursion into the game, due to which difficulties in passing the game, as a rule, do not arise.
Advantages of the game "Farm Zombie" over other online applications
1. In the game "Zombie Farm" there is no such thing as "Energy": here you do not need to wait for recuperation to continue the game;
2. For all holidays, the game developers give useful gifts and introduce new quest lines;
3. In the game "Zombie Farm" it is impossible to go to a dead end: the opening of new locations and the presence of an increasing number of quests allows you to play without restrictions;
4. You can play "Zombie Farm" in almost any social networks;
5. The game "Zombie Farm" is completely free.