Zombie villagers in Mineraft are a relative innovation. They are obtained when a common zombie bites a villager. This can happen during a siege. And you can set zombies on the villagers on your own.

Zombie attacks
The siege is a village-based element of the game. Every night there is a chance of a zombie attack on the villagers. During a siege, zombies, having gathered in a group, choose a villager or a player as an attack target and begin to attack him. Civilians usually close the doors of their houses at night, so you can often see a picture of a crowd of zombies trying to break down the door. At low difficulty levels, they cannot do this, but the player can help the zombies and break or open the door on their own. It is advisable, of course, not to fall under the arm of a zombie.
The attacked villager after death can turn into a zombie and join the further attack. On the normal difficulty level, the probability of his transformation is 50%, on the hard one - 100%, the easy difficulty level ensures that the transformation does not take place.
For a zombie attack to begin, the village must have at least ten houses and twenty residents. If a village has been chosen to attack, zombies can appear even in well-lit areas, although they usually only appear in the dark. Sometimes zombies can appear already inside the large houses of the villagers, it is impossible to control this process. In this case, the siege can begin only if the player is at a distance of less than one hundred and twenty-eight blocks from the village.
The transformed villager has a different model from the zombie. He has large white eyes and a huge nose. Zombie Villagers can be healed with a Potion of Weakness and a Golden Apple.
How to call a siege yourself
If you have been in the vicinity of the village for a long time, and the siege does not occur, you can provide residents with a "fun" life on your own. Explore nearby caves, chances are you will find zombie spawners as they are quite common. Light the room in which it is located as brightly as possible, but do not destroy the block itself. Make a path to the village one block wide and two high from the spawner. Make a glass ceiling to control the movement of the zombies. Seal the room with the spawner, leaving a passage to the constructed corridor. Carefully remove the lighting above the spawner and climb to the ceiling of the hallway.
After some time, a zombie will appear from the spawner, which with a high degree of probability will go along the corridor to the village. Please note that in order for the zombie creation unit to work, you must be no further than seventeen cells from it. Such a guaranteed zombie attack will prevent the inhabitants of the village from being safe.