The multiplayer game World of Tanks, which has gathered all fans of formidable armored vehicles, has a so-called low entry threshold. This means that you do not need to have special knowledge or skills to start playing. Another thing is that you want to play well, but for this it is not enough just to go and shoot. And the shooting itself, if you look at it, is not an easy process.

- - gaming computer;
- - registered account in World of Tanks;
- - Internet connection;
- - game client.
Step 1
You can, of course, just align the sight of your gun with the outline of an enemy tank and click with the mouse. But the result may be far from what was expected. Unlike traditional computer shooters, where the target is usually people who are not protected by tons of armor, in World of Tanks you have to shoot at heavily armored tanks, and even from different angles. In addition, there are various types of projectiles, differing in armor penetration, fragmentation radius, flight speed and damage force.
Step 2
Shoot vulnerable points. There are no tanks in the game that cannot be penetrated in principle. As a rule, the rear of the tank and its sides are much less protected than the frontal projection. However, if there is no choice, and you have to shoot in the forehead, then try to aim not at the turret and the gun mantlet, but at the lower armor plate and the commander's hatch, which in most cases are the most vulnerable parts of the tank. On the official forum of the game, you can get acquainted with the booking schemes for all tanks so as not to waste shells.
Step 3
Try to shoot at right angles. The sharper the angle of impact, the more likely the projectile will simply ricochet off enemy armor. At first glance, it may seem that the foreheads of some tanks are almost entirely composed of sharp corners, but in fact, all have their own vulnerabilities.
Step 4
Don't shoot at the tracks if you don't want to shoot them down. Of course, the driving part of the tank is most attractive as a target: the side, minimum armor, excellent obtuse angle. But keep in mind that the undercarriage can take all the damage, and instead of destroying the enemy, you simply knock the caterpillar off of it. On the other hand, undercarriage shooting is an effective way to stop the enemy from running for cover or turning, so there are situations where you need to shoot down the tracks.
Step 5
Choose the right shells. There are several types of them in the game. The largest number of shots is fired by armor-piercing shells with the best combination of armor penetration-damage-price parameters. But in some cases, they are not enough and you have to use sub-caliber or cumulative projectiles, whose parameters of armor penetration and damage are significantly higher. For this you have to pay a price that can be 10 times higher than the cost of a conventional armor-piercing projectile. In addition, almost all guns can be loaded with high-explosive ammunition, which have very low armor penetration, but can cause significant damage, especially to the internal modules of the tank. Some guns are specially designed for high-explosive shells of large caliber, for which they pay low accuracy.
Step 6
Don't shoot mindlessly. There are situations in which it is best not to shoot. For example, if you transmit information about the location of enemy forces on a light, inconspicuous tank, then it makes sense to let the powerful guns of the allied tanks inflict damage and remain unnoticed. Your own shot will probably unmask you, and most likely it will do very little damage.