Did you know that a long time ago humanity tried to build a mechanical computer? One interesting option is Babbage's car.

Yes, attempts to build machines that perform mathematical operations began a long time ago and were successful. For example, many of us have seen or even used the Felix adding machine, which was quite convenient for calculations, accelerating the work of engineers and accountants. But he was not a real computer. This type of mechanism can rather be attributed to the machine of the English professor Charles Babbage, which he created in the 17th century. He made a working model that was fully automatic and could print the results. Already 10 years later, he made a version of a mechanical computer that could work with numbers, save the results. It is important to note that the "if" operator was implemented in this machine.
This machine can be safely called a real computer, since it possessed all the signs of such - it was possible to enter data into it (on punched cards), it had a processor that allows calculations (but not the same as ours, but consisting of many gears, rods, axes), Memory device. Of course, the information was printed (printed). Unfortunately, this machine did not become popular due to problems with the accuracy of the production of parts. But data entry by means of punched cards has been used for a very long time.