From time to time, computer owners think about choosing a hard drive. The choice of a new drive depends on several parameters.

Users often think about choosing a new hard disk for two reasons - firstly, the old hard drive may break down, and secondly, there may be a problem of lack of space for storing user data. In the first case, the hard drive needs to be changed and it is not worth discussing other outputs, but in the second case, you can do without changing the HDD and reinstalling the operating system, but purchasing an external hard drive or a large flash drive, depending on the specific needs of the computer owner.
What parameters should be considered in order to select the correct hard drive to replace it on a computer?
Volume Of course, the more space on the hard disk, the more data can be stored on it, the more programs to install on the computer. But we must remember that there are still motherboards that do not support work with large hard drives.
Interface. The main interfaces of hard drives are IDE and SATA. It is believed that the second is faster, but, again, you should not immediately purchase a SATA hard drive, since not all motherboards can find a connector for connecting such a hard drive. IDE is a long connector with a large number of pins (on a hard disk), for connection it uses a flat cable similar to a wide ribbon. SATA resembles a USB connector to most observers, probably in size. Before buying a hard drive, you should check in the documentation for your computer whether it is possible to connect the selected hard drive, or just look for the required connector on the motherboard.
Operation speed and form factor. Most often, you can find discs on sale at 5400 and 7200 rpm. Of course, the higher the rotation speed, the faster the data is read and written to the hard drive. I must say that most often there are drives with a speed of 5400 for laptops, and 7200 for stationary computers. For a stationary computer, you can use including those intended for laptops.
Relatively recently, SSD hard drives have appeared. The speed of their work is noticeably higher than that of the others, but the price for them is still high.
Price and brand. Don't overpay for a hard drive to have a well-known brand on it. Practice has shown that this is not a guarantee of a long-term hard drive.