A laptop or portable computer is a very convenient thing, without which it is difficult to imagine our modern life. It really has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. For example, overheating is the most common problem. In case of frequent overheating, it is worth buying a laptop stand.

Reasons and some consequences of laptop overheating:
- insufficiently reliable system for cooling the laptop;
- improper use of the device and stand.
As a result, the laptop may freeze, shut down or restart on its own. Among other things, a really serious and deplorable breakdown can occur. In order to avoid these overheating, you need to purchase a stand.
How the cooling pad works
The cooling pad is a unique accessory that can keep the laptop from overheating, and the principle of the stand should be discussed depending on its types. There are stands with active and passive cooling.
There are no fans in passive cooling. The heat from the laptop is absorbed by the stand and dissipated. Active cooling stands have fans, and it is they who direct cool air to the laptop and reduce its temperature.
How to choose a cooling pad
The stand can be ordered online or purchased from specialized stores. Many buyers, purchasing it, do not know which model to choose. There are several interesting characteristics to note.
A type. If your laptop is overheating, then it is best to purchase a stand with active cooling. But if the temperature does not cause any concern, then you can take a stand with passive cooling.
The size. The size of the stand should be selected based on the size of the laptop itself. It is clear that the size of the accessory and the laptop must match.
Power. This characteristic is really important, because the more powerful the fans, the better the laptop will cool.
Noise level. This characteristic is measured in dB. The lower it is, the better and calmer you will feel at the computer.
Number of fans. The stands can contain from one to four fans. But remember that the more fans there are, the louder the stand will be. So it's better to take a model with one powerful fan.