Making online games is one of the ways to make money online. One has only to type a query like "online game" in a search engine, and a whole bunch of links to all kinds of game portals and games, in fact, will come out. Thus, it can be understood that online entertainment can generate good profits for developers. However, to make a game that people will enjoy playing and parting with their cash, certain rules must be followed.

Step 1
Come up with an idea for the game. It must certainly be interesting, and for a wide range of Internet users. It will be useful to analyze the games, not only domestic but also foreign ones.
Step 2
Then work out the mechanism for the development of the game, which implies the completeness of the character, as well as the presence of a developed line of development and changes in the project.
Step 3
Hire a development team by defining a task. Decide on the type of implementation of your project - whether it will be a browser game or one that requires downloading and installing the client. This is a very important stage, since the process of creating a project depends on your choice. If you choose the second option, it will be much more difficult to implement your idea than in the case of a browser game, but the field of activity for translating your idea into reality will be much wider.
Step 4
Having developed a "draft" version of the game, it is necessary to conduct open testing. This will allow you to identify bugs and fix them in a timely manner. And gamers testing the product will help you with this. Their opinion is no less important than the opinion of experts, because the game is primarily developed for "mere mortals".
Step 5
In order for the game to bring you income, think over the mechanism of its monetization. This can be a special game currency that is bought for real money, unique equipment purchased exclusively for this currency, paid bonuses, and so on. Unique items need to be much better than ordinary items so that people succumb to temptation and lighten their wallets.
Step 6
The last issue to be examined is the issue of funding. After all, there will be plenty of expenses - this is the need to rent servers, and payment for the services of programmers, developers and other personnel, and the creation of an official website for the game, and so on. Of course, you can pay for all this yourself, but you can attract investors to your side. However, equity is preferable, since in this case control over the project will be in your and only in your hands.