On average, a computer has a lifespan of five years, after which it must be taken out of service. Quite naturally, the question arises of what to do with your beloved, but already outdated personal computer.

Step 1
Before you get rid of your outdated computer, you should think about whether it will be useful to you in the future. For example, if a new PC fails, you can temporarily work on the old computer, as long as it has not lost its performance. In addition, the old computer can be upgraded and then it will work no worse than the new one.
Step 2
If you are determined to get rid of an outdated device, then you can easily sell it, this is perhaps the most profitable way to get rid of your PC. It may seem incredible, but such a device will be bought from you quickly enough. The buyer can be a start-up organization or an ordinary resident of your city. Unfortunately, so far few can afford to buy a completely new computer, even on credit, which is why an old device can be a salvation for them.
Step 3
Old computers are of interest to organizations that repair them. Representatives of such a company will buy your computer quickly, but at a reduced price, then the device will most likely be disassembled for spare parts. You can use this method if you want to sell your computer as soon as possible.
Step 4
You can disassemble an old computer into component parts and then sell them yourself. However, it should be remembered that the total amount received from the sale of a computer in parts will be much less than the amount that you could get from the sale of the whole device. In addition, the time it takes to sell a disassembled computer can dramatically increase as a separate buyer will have to be sought for each part.
Step 5
An old personal computer can be easily disposed of by simply giving it to someone. Any orphanage, kindergarten or school can accept your computer as a gift, but everything here will depend on its age. Your old PC can be especially useful in some provincial village, where the standard of living of the population is quite low and it cannot afford to purchase such an important and necessary device today.