Computer owners are forced to periodically change the keyboard and mouse failing. But when buying new input devices, you need to make the right choice, otherwise the purchase will cause significant discomfort and interfere with the work on the PC.

Very often, a computer owner is ready to be tempted by a set consisting of a wireless keyboard and mouse. Indeed, the charm of this purchase is obvious - a set of keyboard and mouse in the same style, which does not require dragging wires under the table, looks attractive. But let's think about whether the wireless kit has only advantages or disadvantages as well? Maybe buy a regular wired keyboard and mouse?
Advantages of a wireless kit versus a wired keyboard and mouse
1. Uniform keyboard and mouse design.
2. It is wireless in the literal sense of the word, that is, there is no need to pull wires from the keyboard and mouse to the system unit.
3. Saving USB connectors. To transfer data, the keyboard and mouse from the wireless set share the same adapter.
4. The absence of wires entails comfort of use - you can move with the keyboard or mouse to the edge of the table, connect the set to a smart TV and control it from the sofa, etc.
Disadvantages of a wireless mouse and keyboard kit versus wired ones
1. The batteries in the keyboard or mouse may run out at the most inopportune moment.
2. Higher price.
3. Replacing only the keyboard or only the mouse if it breaks down with another device is problematic - most likely, you will have to buy a new wireless kit.
Should I choose a wireless kit or a wired mouse and keyboard?
The secret of choosing between the above options lies in a thorough analysis of their capabilities and requirements for the data input device.
If your keyboard or mouse often breaks down, then it is worth choosing wired options in order to be able to change the device at any time, spending the minimum amount of money.
If only virtue # 3 inspires in a wireless kit, then remember that with a wired keyboard and mouse this is also possible. For example, you should look for a keyboard with a built-in USB hub on sale (and plug a mouse into it), or just purchase a small USB hub and use it for your keyboard and mouse.
So, it is recommended to just think about what you do the most on the computer, what are your keyboard and mouse requirements. It is in this light that you analyze the characteristics of those devices that you have already looked after in the store, and therefore, understand what exactly it will be convenient for you to use.