How To Make Numbering In Excel

How To Make Numbering In Excel
How To Make Numbering In Excel

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When working with tables in Microsoft Office Excel, the user may need to number the rows or columns. Using dedicated teams to accomplish the task will save time and effort.

How to make numbering in Excel
How to make numbering in Excel


Step 1

Self-entry of the serial number in each cell is too long a process, it is much easier to use the auto-complete option. The fill marker (a box with a small square in the lower right corner) is displayed in the program by default. If for some reason this is not the case in your version, enable it.

Step 2

To do this, click on the Office button in the upper left corner of the window and select Excel Options from the menu. A new dialog box will open. Go to the "Advanced" section in it. In the Editing Options group, select the Allow Fill Handles and Dragging Cells check box. Apply the new settings by clicking on the OK button in the lower right corner of the window.

Step 3

Enter the first serial number in the first cell, and the second serial number in the next cell. Select the filled cells and move the mouse cursor over the small square in the right corner of the frame. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the frame in the required direction. Missing serial numbers will be automatically filled in empty cells.

Step 4

Option using the autocomplete context menu: enter the first serial number in the first cell, drag the frame to the desired side by the required number of cells. Release the left mouse button, next to the marker an icon of the collapsed menu "Autocomplete options" will appear, left-click on it and place the marker opposite the "Fill" item - numbers will be written in the empty cells.

Step 5

You can also use a simple formula for numbering. Enter the first ordinal number in the first cell, position the cursor in the second cell, and enter an equal sign in the formula bar. Left-click in the first cell, then type "+1" without quotes and press Enter. Select the cell with the formula and drag its frame to the required number of cells. As a result, you will get the formula for the second cell: = A1 + 1, for the third cell: = A2 + 1, for the fourth: = A3 + 1.

Step 6

If you are using a multilevel list, for example, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on, give the cells a text format so that the program does not change the ordinal numbers to the name of the months. To do this, right-click on a cell (range of cells) and select Format Cells from the menu. In the dialog box that opens, set the desired format on the "Number" tab.
