How To Disable The Found New Hardware Wizard

How To Disable The Found New Hardware Wizard
How To Disable The Found New Hardware Wizard

Table of contents:


The Found New Hardware Wizard opens when a new device is connected. This means that the Found New Hardware Wizard asks for a driver for this device. But sometimes the Found New Hardware Wizard needs to be disabled, for example, if it starts every time the operating system is restarted.

How to disable the Found New Hardware Wizard
How to disable the Found New Hardware Wizard


Step 1

Specify the path to the location of the required driver. To do this, you need to go online and download the latest driver from the manufacturer's website.

Step 2

Click the Driver tab in the device Properties dialog box. Then left-click on the "Delete" button and follow the instructions on the website.

Step 3

The Found New Hardware Wizard also opens when a plug-and-play device is connected for which there are no drivers on the computer or the digital signature of the driver package is missing. To disable the wizard from starting, add plug-in driver components to the setup runtime configuration, or add drivers to the configuration after the runtime has been deployed.

Step 4

In the expanded window of the runtime, connect the plug-in device and use the Found New Hardware Wizard to install the driver. Thanks to the driver installation, the Found New Hardware Wizard window will not be displayed.

Step 5

If unknown? what equipment will be connected to disable the Add New Hardware Wizard, set a specific value in the registry. However, this must be done with caution, as there is a risk of loss of compatibility and other problems.

Step 6

To disable Plug and Play in Target Designer, open the configuration and verify that device drivers are enabled, only those that will be installed on the embedded system. Delete the rest.
