How To Disable The Add New Hardware Wizard

How To Disable The Add New Hardware Wizard
How To Disable The Add New Hardware Wizard

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The operating system of the computer is equipped with many different helpers. One of them is the Add Hardware Wizard. It usually appears during the initial installation of any devices or when connecting plug-and-play equipment. However, sometimes it starts to turn on every time you restart the PC, and therefore requires a shutdown.

How to disable the Add New Hardware Wizard
How to disable the Add New Hardware Wizard


Windows computer


Step 1

In order for the "Add New Hardware Wizard" not to appear every time on your desktop, you must allow it to connect to Windows Update. To do this, in the dialog box that appears, check the box next to the "Yes, this time only" value. After that, the system will independently search for and install new drivers. If they are not in Windows Update, most likely you will have to search for them yourself on the Internet.

Step 2

To do this, you must first identify the problematic hardware in Device Manager. As a rule, it is indicated by an exclamation point. Then open the Device Properties tab, select Details, and then go to the Hardware Codes page. Here you will find the code of the driver you need, which you will need to copy.

Step 3

Now go to and paste the driver code into the search bar. The system will give you several options, from which choose the best one. Then download and install the driver on your computer.

Step 4

You can also disable the "Add New Hardware Wizard" by doing the same thing, but at the end, after the automatic installation of the device, by checking the box next to the option "Do not remind me to install this hardware."

Step 5

An alternative way is to turn off the device itself. To do this, right-click on "My Computer", open the "Device Manager" tab and find the equipment that is troubling you. Next, right-click on the device icon and select the "Disable device" line in the menu that appears. Answer “Yes” to the system question in the dialog box, and you can forget about the “Add Hardware Wizard”. Thus, this problem can be solved either by installing the drivers yourself, or simply by turning off the device itself.
