Competition between browsers is growing every year. They compete on many points: security, functionality, standards support. But the most important parameter is speed.

Choosing an Internet browser is not difficult: you just need to download one of the popular browsers, and after a while you will definitely get used to it. But in order for the process of acquaintance with the browser to be as comfortable as possible, you still need to know a little about each of them. There are actually a lot of Internet browsers, but the most popular are Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer and Opera
Users often joke that Internet Explorer was created in order to download other browsers. It has few advantages, but for an ordinary user who needs to find information or download various content, this browser will be quite enough. This browser is available in every Windows and does not need to be installed. It also saves battery life on a laptop and requires less RAM than all other browsers. A huge disadvantage is that the browser is very slow. Although in the latest versions, the developers have tackled this problem.
Opera is the easiest browser to learn. Opera copes very well with many open bookmarks, has a convenient download manager, all popular search engines are built into the search bar, it is possible to change themes, etc. Among the disadvantages are low speed of hardware acceleration and poor speed of script processing.
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
Firefox browser (also called "fox") has a simple and user-friendly interface. Initially, the browser has only the most necessary functions, but they can be extended with applications. There are quite a few plugins and extensions for Firefox, and some have been created just for it.
The advantages of this browser include a high level of data security (including saved passwords), data synchronization between Firefox browsers on other devices, and hardware acceleration when downloading videos. In various tests (for performance, download speed, support for web technologies, etc.), Mozilla Firefox performs above average in almost all parameters.
As for the Google Chrome browser, it has no equal in speed. It is the fastest and least resource-intensive browser. The browser has an unusual design, which is devoid of almost all interface elements, except for a few inconspicuous buttons. But the number of extensions and games is simply huge.
Among the advantages of Chrome, one can note the only line that is used both to enter the address of sites and to search for information, crash control, which keeps the browser working during an error in one of the bookmarks, warning the user about malicious sites, etc. Among the disadvantages of Chrome is poor performance with a large number of open bookmarks (while the browser "eats" a lot of RAM).
So, if you want the fastest browser for Windows 7, then this is definitely Chrome. But do not forget that a browser that is leading in one thing is bound to fail in something else. So when choosing a browser, it is worth considering not only the speed of its work.