How To Change Keys

How To Change Keys
How To Change Keys

Table of contents:


In laptops, for various reasons, one or more keys on the keyboard may fail. Since replacing the entire keyboard is quite expensive, you can change the key assignments and move their functions to less used keys, for example, the second Ctrl, alt="Image" or Win.

How to change keys
How to change keys


KEY TWEAK, MKey, Keyboard Layout Manager


Step 1

We download programs from the Internet and launch one of them.

Step 2

Select the disabled keys on the program screen with the mouse. To do this, move the cursor to the virtual keyboard and press the corresponding key. The program will require you to activate it "for real", i.e. check its performance.

Step 3

Click on the disabled key. If we are talking about transferring a function from working keys, for example, the Fn key for left-handers to their usual right side, the program will notify the user that the key is working.

Step 4

We set a new key for the selected function using the mouse and virtual keyboard. We confirm our choice by clicking on it and on the mechanical keyboard. The program will display information about the functions performed by this key, as well as inform if there is a duplication.

Step 5

We close the program for replacing the functional assignment of the keys and check the functionality of the keyboard. To do this, open a text editor, for example Notepad, and type all the characters one by one using all the keys. We also check the functionality of the keys in the most frequently used programs. This should be done after restarting your computer.
