How To Fix Crc Data Error In

How To Fix Crc Data Error In
How To Fix Crc Data Error In

Table of contents:


After receiving six timeout or cyclical redundancy check (CRC) errors, the Windows driver sequentially converts the connection speed (transfer mode) from the fastest DMA mode to the slowest PIO.

How to fix crc data error
How to fix crc data error


Windows XP


Step 1

Install the latest service packs for your Windows operating system.

Step 2

Click the "Start" button to bring up the main menu of the system and go to the "Run" item to launch the "Registry Editor" tool.

Step 3

Enter regedit in the Open field and click OK to confirm the command.

Step 4

Find and highlight the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Contorl / Class {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 0001.

Step 5

Open the Edit menu and select New.

Step 6

Specify DWORD Value and enter the ResetErrorCountersOnSuccess command.

Step 7

Press the softkey labeled Enter to confirm the command and return to the Edit menu.

Step 8

Select the Modify command and enter a value of 1 in the newly created parameter field.

Step 9

Click OK to apply the selected changes.

Step 10

Return to the main menu "Start" and go to the item "Run" for the next launch of the tool "Registry Editor".

Step 11

Enter regedit in the Open field and click OK to execute the command.

Step 12

Find and highlight the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Class {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} / 0002.

Step 13

Choose New from the Edit menu and specify the string DWORD Value.

Step 14

Enter the string ResetErrorCountersOnSuccess in the appropriate parameter field and press the Enter key to confirm the command.

Step 15

Choose Modify from the Edit menu and enter a value of 1 in the newly created parameter box.

Step 16

Click OK to apply the selected changes and restart your computer.

Step 17

Contact Microsoft technical support experts for a fatal error for recommendations on how to resolve the error and for specialized system fixes.
