When documents are constantly being printed on the printer, the amount of ink in it may eventually run out. You can refill a cartridge for a Samsung laser printer yourself at home, and the result of your actions will be no worse than a newly purchased cartridge.

- - tweezers;
- - screwdriver "+";
- - several pieces of fabric;
- - brush (bristles);
- - a small funnel;
- - household vacuum cleaner.
Step 1
The whole process of refilling the cartridge is a "black" job, so cover the work surface with several newspapers or any material that can then be thrown away. Place the toner cartridge down with the drum unit facing down, with the toner filling hole on the left.
Step 2
Unscrew all screws from the cartridge body and open the top cover of the body like a regular book. From the sides, you need to unscrew three self-tapping screws, then you can remove the charging shaft and leave it aside.
Step 3
Next, you need to unscrew and remove the already not fixed part of the entire device - felt (including the blade).
Step 4
Remove the contact spring - use tweezers for this. The spring is in the left side part, be careful - without this spare part, the device of the entire cartridge is a "dummy".
Step 5
Fold back the seals and unscrew the two self-tapping screws to remove the metering blades. Complete disassembly completed.
Step 6
Pour small particles of toner onto the newspaper that is intended for rubbish. Watch this process carefully - you can lose gears. The inner surface of the cartridge must be cleaned with a hard brush (bristles) or vacuum cleaner. Combining these methods gives the best results.
Step 7
Use a piece of cloth that will not crumble or lint at the edges to clean the remaining toner from all parts of the cartridge. The photo and pressure rollers should be cleaned with utmost care. If you touch them with your fingers, wipe with a dry cloth again, try not to leave fingerprints on the photogallery.
Step 8
When adding toner, use a funnel to prevent particles from falling on parts that have already been cleaned. After completing this operation, close the hopper with a rubber stopper and reassemble in the reverse order.
Step 9
Clean the work area: collect all the newspapers and fold them, then vacuum the dirty areas of the cartridge work surface with a vacuum cleaner. The cartridge is now refilled and cleaned, i.e. it can be used for its intended purpose.