Even from the school curriculum in algebra and geometry, we know that a vector is a segment with a direction. The coordinates of a vector determine its characteristics and are an ordered set of numbers. Finding them is completely easy, remembering some information from the school curriculum.

Step 1
vector coordinates / b "class =" colorbox imagefield imagefield-imagelink "> Place the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system at the origin of the vector you want to find. Then, to define the vector coordinate, find the location of its end point. one perpendicular to the coordinate axes X and Y. Thus, you get the points at which the vector intersects with the axes. Determine the coordinates of these points. They will be the coordinates of the given vector. This is the standard way of determining the coordinates of a vector on a plane
Step 2
If you need to determine the coordinates of a vector in space, follow the same principle as finding them on a plane. These are exactly the same directional segments that have a beginning and an end. The only difference is that a vector in space is specified not by two, but by three coordinates x, y and z (on the plane these are length and height, and in space, depth is added to everything) a (xa; ya; za), where a denotes the length of the vector. Thus, to find the coordinates of a vector in space, you need to subtract the coordinate of the beginning of the vector from the end coordinate. Perform calculations using the formula: a = AB (xB - xA; yB - yA; zB - zA). This is just one of the ways to solve problems in stereometry (the study of shapes in space), which uses simple formulas, rules and algorithms. It takes a minimum of time and is very convenient.
Step 3
Determine the coordinates of a vector in space in a classical way, which will require you to have excellent knowledge of theorems and axioms of stereometry, the ability to build drawings and reduce volumetric problems to planimetric ones. It is good because it perfectly develops the brain and spatial thinking, but it takes much more time and gives the wrong results at the slightest mistake. The classical method is usually widely used by architects when planning plans for future buildings.