What To Do If Your Local Network Connection Is Limited

What To Do If Your Local Network Connection Is Limited
What To Do If Your Local Network Connection Is Limited

Quite often, users of personal computers may encounter a message like "Local network connection is limited or not available", in connection with which the user cannot access the Internet.

What to do if your local network connection is limited
What to do if your local network connection is limited

Perhaps, for experienced users of personal computers, it is no secret that a local network connection is necessary in order to use the capabilities of the Internet. Often there are situations when it is limited or even disabled.

The reasons

There are several reasons for this message. The first reason is if the user's computer is connected to the Internet via LAN and the wire is disconnected. Naturally, there is only one solution to this problem - connect it to a computer and create a connection to the Internet. The second reason is the operator's own problems. Such a problem can be solved only if it is detected by the provider itself (the company providing Internet services), and the type of Internet connection does not matter here. There is one more reason, which is a little less common and it is caused by improper operation of network equipment by the subscriber himself (including equipment breakdown).

Solving an urgent problem

In any case, if a message appears stating that the connection to the local network is limited, the first step is to go to "Network Connections". For example, go to the "Start" menu, "Control Panel", then the item "Network and Internet" and find "Local Area Connection" in the list of all connections. Here you need to right-click, and in the context menu that appears, click on the "Status" button. Then you need to go to the "Support" tab, where you click on the "Fix" button. If no faults were found, then you should turn off the antivirus software and firewall, and then repeat the previous manipulations.

Next, you need to check the settings of the Internet protocol TCP / IP. To do this, as in the previous case, again you need to go to the "Properties" of the local network connection and go to the "Internet Protocol TCP / IP" tab. For stable operation, you need to make sure that the following parameters are set: in the "DNS" and "Obtain IP address" fields, select the "Automatic" item. After that, you need to repeat the first step again.

The last step involves executing some commands on the command line. In order to open it, you need to go to the "Start" menu and click on the "Run" button. In the window that appears, the command command is entered, which opens the software necessary for the last manipulations. In modern operating systems, you need to enter the commands: ipconfig / release and press enter, then ipconfig / renew and press this key again.

In most cases, these operations help solve an urgent problem. Otherwise, you need to contact the technical support of the provider itself.
