Since the appearance of the PDF format, it has become one of the most versatile and popular among users of all skill levels, since it combines the use of graphic and text data. Actually, its size is very small, for example, if we compare it with graphic formats. Sometimes you need to create such a document from graphics. Let's see how to convert.

General Format Conversion Concepts
Converting files of these types among themselves can be done in several simple ways. It is very easy to convert.
Conversion software
This type of program can convert.
In the main window of the application, you must use the Add Files … command and select the necessary graphic files from a computer or directly from a scanner, after starting the scanning process. You can add multiple files or even entire folders. After that, all that remains is to click the Save PDF button. The application will save the final document to the specified location on the hard drive.

Depending on the version of the program, commands and menus may differ, however, the principle of performing the sequence of actions still remains the same. In this sense, the question of how to convert.
Online services
Another easy way to convert these formats is to use specialized online resources. However, here in the question of how to convert.jpg"