A car loan is a loan for a certain period of time at interest from a bank. Usually, several types of programs are offered, with the help of which the path to the desired object of purchase will become closer and more real. Before taking a loan, you need to submit documents to the bank, which, having made sure of its solvency, will be able to issue the required amount of money.

Step 1
Contact your local Savings Bank branch. You will need a credit department: here they will give advice on the collection of documents, provide information on the amount of the loan, if the application is approved by the bank, the procedure for obtaining and terms.
Step 2
Collect the documents. This includes copies of passport data, information about co-borrowers, a certificate from the place of work about wages for the last 12 months. You will be able to attract a spouse or spouse as a co-borrower, in this case, the loan amount will be calculated taking into account the total income.
Step 3
Fill out an application for a loan, indicate how much you want to receive from the bank, for what period. In what way it is convenient for you to pay, in cash or by transferring through a bank card, in what currency. It is very good if you have a positive credit history, write whether you are going to buy a new or used car. Indicate the amount of the down payment, usually it ranges from 10-15 percent of the loan amount, depending on the program.
Step 4
Choose a car dealership that cooperates with Sberbank. You can provide documents there and write an application. Wait until the bank gives an answer. During this time, select a car and fill out the documents related to its purchase at the car dealership. You can also purchase a car under the Auto Loan program from an authorized dealer or manufacturer (regional representative of the manufacturer). If you want to buy a car from hand, you will have to draw up the documents directly through the bank.
Step 5
Start drawing up documents for the purchase, a car insurance contract against theft and risks of loss, immediately after receiving a positive decision from the bank. Choose an insurance company yourself from among those companies that provide property insurance. Carefully re-read all paragraphs of the document, especially those that are written in small print. You need to study and sign the loan agreement and loan agreement with Sberbank.
Step 6
Choose from the proposed options for transferring funds, usually this is done to a Visa card, get a loan at the nearest ATM, at a bank branch. You become the full owner of the car only after the conclusion of the sales contract.
Step 7
Get a loan for up to five years, with an interest rate in rubles 8, 7-16, 5%, in foreign currency - 9, 25-12, 5%. The amount of the initial payment is from 15% of the loan. Sberbank offers special programs for participation in car loans. In this case, you need to choose for the purchase a car worth not more than 600,000 rubles, made in Russia. You can purchase a brand included in the list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
Step 8
Please note that the loan amount for participation in special programs cannot exceed 85% of its total value and is no more than 510,000 rubles. In addition, the loan is issued for up to three years against the security of a car.
Step 9
Ask the bank about programs with representatives of the foreign and domestic auto industry. Apply for a loan by contacting bank offices or directly to dealerships.