Yandex. Taxi is an application that has been specially developed for mobile devices. And not for everyone, but mainly for iPhones and smartphones on the Android platform. The main goal of such a program is to simplify the life of ordinary citizens who want to call a taxi, but do not know which companies are near them, or cannot get through to the dispatcher.

The main advantage of this application is that it can find any taxi that is near the customer. In this connection, the waiting time is reduced, the task of finding a suitable company providing carrier services is facilitated, and there is confidence that a taxi driver who is officially registered and received a permit to work in the provision of services will arrive.
The scheme of the application is quite simple. You need to indicate the starting point on your smartphone. In most cases, these phone models themselves determine it by communicating with satellites. Also indicate the point of arrival. The system will immediately offer you a choice of several options with the indicated prices - economy or business class. Some taxi services set a certain base rate, for example, 300 rubles for 20 minutes. And it is these prices that the phone will show you. The other part determines the cost of the trip from the mileage. Choose the option that suits you best.
Further, the application will prompt you to select several indicators at once, which should make your trip more comfortable. So, for example, you can check the boxes if you need a child car seat, if you do not want the driver to smoke, if you are waiting for a luxury car, if air conditioning is important to you. In a word, there are many different details that each person selects for himself.
After you make your choice, the system, bypassing the dispatcher or other representatives of the taxi service call-center, sends a request directly to the driver. She chooses the one that is at the closest distance to you. The result is that the waiting time for your car can only take about 5 minutes.
The service also provides that you can track the movement of your driver on the way to you using a special map. On it, you will also see the real state of affairs on the road, for example, are there any traffic jams in this or that part of the route along which you are going to move.
The driver himself contacts his dispatcher and gives him the order, so do not be surprised if it is the employee of the call-center of the taxi service you called who notifies you of the arrival of the taxi.