You may need to disable the eight on your phone, that is, access to long distance and for calls to mobiles, if there is a risk that fraudsters will connect to your home phone and say “with an uncle in America” or with the “Sex on the phone” service. the amount. Or if you rent an apartment. Well, if a dubious bill for long-distance calls has already arrived, you must immediately contact the law enforcement agencies and, in order not to risk further, you must turn off the eight.

Step 1
The person who has entered into an agreement with the telephone company, that is, the subscriber, with an identity document, must come to the communication center and write a statement there. If someone else goes to the subscriber department, then he must have a notarized power of attorney from the owner with the right to disconnect and connect services.
Step 2
The exact wording of how to write an application for disconnecting the eight, you will be shown on the spot, but it is enough to write: "I ask you to disconnect long-distance / international communication at your own request." Number. Signature.
Step 3
Disabling the figure eight on the phone is considered to be a change in the tariff, therefore this service is paid. It is inexpensive, but all the same - you have to fork out.
Step 4
The service for turning off the figure eight is carried out in 3 working days