Sometimes laptop users, even with careful handling of the device, may one day find that stripes have appeared on the screen, and naturally the urgent problem needs to be somehow solved.

Causes of the problem
Firstly, it should be said that stripes on the laptop screen can occur in the following cases: if a malfunction occurs in the operation of the video card, if the matrix or its loop is out of order. Unfortunately, if in your particular case it turns out that the reason lies directly in the laptop matrix, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. In this case, there are no other solutions to this problem. Repairs should be carried out with the help of specialists in the appropriate service center, and it is highly undesirable to do this on your own, since the new matrix can also be damaged. In order to find out the cause of the problem, you should pay attention to what kind of interference occurs on the screen.
How do I fix the problem?
If the malfunction lies in the matrix cable, then you will see multi-colored vertical lines, and if you connect the computer to the monitor using a special cable, then these stripes will disappear. The following display parameters indicate a malfunction of the matrix: vertical white stripes, the appearance of a black stripe with ripples, as well as an inversion of the image on the screen. In addition, a malfunction of the matrix is indicated by the appearance of black stripes, they are often translucent, and if the netbook takes a certain position, the screen may turn completely black. A malfunction of the video chip is indicated: interference (artifacts) appeared on the screen in the form of red, blue horizontal lines, or in the form of colored squares, dashes all over the display, and also if, with similar interference, the image on an external monitor appears without any distortion, and the change the position of the screen and its bending do not affect the picture.
Black bars can appear on the screen if your device is equipped with two video cards, for example, nvidia optimus, which have automatic switching, and there is no scaling option in the video card settings. Accordingly, the absence of this item and the scaling itself is the reason for the appearance of black bars. If, while working at a computer or in games, black bars do not appear, but only appear when you play a video, then this means that the problem lies in your playback device (video player). In addition, if black bars appear when the operating system boots and during its operation, then you should reset the BIOS settings to standard ones.