Modern tablets differ in their characteristics, which is reflected in their price. The brand also influences the cost of gadgets. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how much a tablet with the required parameters can cost.

Tablet screen
Almost all tablets on the Russian market have touch screens, the diameter of which can be from 7 to 11 inches. There are also tablets with a large screen, but there are very few of them. The cheapest tablet will be a gadget with a seven-inch display and an outdated TFT matrix.
The price of such devices ranges from 2,000 rubles, but they are being actively replaced by tablets with an IPS screen matrix, which is brighter and more saturated in colors. The price of such a device will be about 1000 rubles more. An increase in the screen diameter by 1 inch entails an increase in the price of the device by about 800-1200 rubles, with its characteristics being equal in other parameters.
Device filling
Although the screen is quite an important factor in the formation of the price of a tablet, less than a third of the price of the device depends on it. The next third is its filling: a processor, RAM, built-in communication devices, a camera, slots for SIM-cards and much more. A simple tablet with a good and bright screen and simple filling (1 processor core, 1 GB of RAM, GPS navigation and Wi-Fi) will cost from 3000 rubles.
The cost will grow depending on the number of processor cores, the availability of 3G / 4G communication, the screen size and the ability to work as a full-fledged computer (connecting a keyboard, mouse, removable storage media, etc.). The price may be more than tens of thousands of rubles.
It is worth noting here the built-in camera in the tablet. Regardless of what price category the tablet is in front of the consumer, the quality of his pictures will be much lower than that of the simplest "soap dish". Therefore, when choosing a tablet, you should not be guided by the number of megapixels of its camera.
Manufacturer brand
About 20-30% of the cost of a device can be its brand. The brand determines the costs of marketing, product promotion, as well as the choice of the supplier of the device filling. If it is important for a person to have a tablet of a well-known brand in his hands, he should be ready for additional expenses. But a quality brand means both quality technical support and good warranty service.
For example, popular tablets are devices under the brands of Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, ASUS and some others. For the consumer's wallet, devices under the Lenovo brand will be most attractive, since with high quality products, these devices are of low cost. The price of tablets from this company ranges from 6000-7000 rubles.
The most expensive and flagship devices are tablets under the Samsung and Apple brands. If the buyer is not ready to part with the amount of 10,000-15,000 rubles, then it makes no sense to look at the tablets of these brands.