How To Remove A Header Or Footer On One Page

How To Remove A Header Or Footer On One Page
How To Remove A Header Or Footer On One Page

Table of contents:


According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, “a footer (from French colonne - a column and Latin titulus - an inscription, a heading) is a heading data (title of a work, part, chapter, paragraph, etc.) placed above the text of each page of the book, newspapers, magazines . In the case of an electronic document, a header or footer is a document design element located in the top or bottom margin. This can be the title of the entire document, its section, or a page number.

How to remove a header or footer on one page
How to remove a header or footer on one page


Step 1

To create a header and footer, go to the "Insert" command. Choose from three options: Header (the top field will open to enter text), Footer (the bottom field will open to enter text), or Page Number. A list of menus will open, from which you can select the item that suits you. The page number can be made not only on the top or bottom margin, but also on the right or left.

Step 2

In order to close the header and footer and exit to the main document, click on the icon "Close the header and footer" or double-click on any place in the main document field.

Step 3

The page numbers will change on each page, but any text header (document title, etc.) will remain the same throughout the entire document. However, there are times when the headers and footers on different pages need to be different, for example, when it comes to different sections of the document, each with its own subheading, or when you need to remove the number from the first page.

Step 4

In order for the headers and footers to be different, it is necessary to split the document into sections. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the place in the document where you want to start a new section.

Step 5

Go to the "Page Layout" command and click on the "Breaks" item. A menu with two items "Page breaks" and "Section breaks" will open. In the latter, select the "Next page" sub-item, and from the place of the document where the cursor is located, the document will be divided into sections.

Step 6

You will see that the new section's header looks the same as the previous section's header. Double click in the header and footer field. The "Working with headers and footers" workspace will open on the MS Word panel. You will see that the line "As in the previous section" is active in this area. Deactivate it. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button.

Step 7

You can now enter other text in the header and footer field of the new section, or delete the headers and footers in any of the sections.
