The keyboard is one of the essential elements of any computer. It is difficult to imagine working with a PC without it. When the keyboard fails, it can bring you a number of inconveniences, and in some cases it also makes it difficult to even simply boot the computer. For example, if you have a password to enter the system, then you cannot enter it with just one mouse.

Step 1
But if the suddenly failed keyboard of an ordinary desktop computer can be replaced in case of something by asking a friend or neighbor, then with a laptop things are much more complicated. Fortunately, in some cases it can be repaired with the proper amusement and accuracy, as well as imagining an approximate procedure in your head. Let's take a look at the most common keyboard failure issue caused by liquid spillage on the keyboard.
Step 2
The first step is to immediately turn off the laptop, unplug the power supply, and then remove the battery.
Step 3
Then carefully detach the keyboard from the laptop and rinse it with water, but do not use any cleaning agent to avoid damaging the conductive paths and conductor insulation. Next, dry the keyboard, reinstall it and check if it works. It must be dried for a long time: for about a day, it should lie in a moderately warm place, closed from direct sunlight. You can speed up drying with a fan. Remember: if there is no moisture on the surface, this does not mean that there is no moisture under the buttons either.
Step 4
If your keyboard still refuses to work (partially or completely), it can still be repaired. To do this, restore the conductive tracks. Special conductive paint is sold in computer shops. However, if you haven't found it anywhere, try your luck at the dealership by asking if they have liquid to repair the rear window defogger threads. Such a liquid will do just fine.
Step 5
Remember the location of the keys by taking a photo of the keyboard or at least writing down the location of all the keys on the sheet. Next, proceed with their removal. This is easily done with a dental hook or a thin watch screwdriver. Next, remove the elevators, which are used to attach the keys to them. You will have access to the polyethylene boards located on the aluminum track. Conductive tracks are applied to them. If they are glued together, use a hair dryer to heat and separate them gently.
Step 6
Apply paint to the damaged areas of the conductive tracks, then dry the keyboard, then reassemble it in reverse order and check the keyboard.