Today in everyday life we use many devices containing all kinds of levers, toggle switches and buttons. These small elements bring their own bit of convenience to the "communication" with technology, but they have one annoying feature - they often break. And the keys of phones and laptops are most often affected. If you can replace the desktop keyboard without any problems, the laptop buttons will have to tinker with. However, you will save your time and money.

Step 1
Before you fix the buttons, imagine how they work. Everything is simple here. The button is a plastic, silicone or rubber base with a built-in metal contact. This contact comes into contact with the working circuit, causing the circuit to close and react accordingly. Most often, it is the base that breaks down. In this case, the main task is to maintain contact. Plastic buttons most often crack or crumble from too frequent or incorrect use. It is better to fix laptop keys in this way.
Step 2
First, estimate the extent of the damage. Take out the crumbled or cracked key and remove pieces of it from the laptop case, if any.
Step 3
If the key can be glued, try using super glue. Spread them over the joints, applying the glue as thin as possible. It is very important to establish contact in the same place.
Step 4
If the key is no longer subject to gluing, try making it yourself from epoxy resin. To do this, in addition to the epoxy resin itself, you will need plasticine to make the shape. Pour the finished form with epoxy resin, lower the contact into it (this is most often a small metal wire of a sufficiently large cross section). Make sure that the contact is correctly established.
Step 5
Having made the key, start installing it. Just keep in mind that a key made in this way may have irregularities. Therefore, sand it with fine-grained emery paper first.