In pursuit of the increased needs of customers, gadget manufacturers are focusing on a variety of functions, while impairing performance. And bugs and errors begin to appear in the operation of phones, which are not immediately resolved with a firmware update or are not resolved at all. Therefore, the user often has to correct errors without outside help, on his own.

Major malfunctions
Before you sin on a phone malfunction, you should know what exactly the reasons do not make it impossible to connect xiaomi redmi note to the computer. Since the brand is manufactured in factories in China, there is a wide range of faults that can be remedied differently. The most common reasons are:
- Damaged usb cable or non-original wire.
- Incorrect installation of drivers or their old version.
- Errors in the phone's firmware.
There are also a number of other reasons that can affect the connection between your phone and your computer. However, based on the statistics of gadget users' calls, other malfunctions constitute too small a percentage and should not be taken into account. Therefore, the above are basic.
Updating drivers (if their version is installed on the computer) or downloading the official version of the distributor from the official xiaomi website
Synchronization of a phone and a computer is based on the activation of a number of processes that are interconnected. If one of the processes stops working for any reason, then all this will critically affect the operation of the entire system as a whole. First, make sure that the cable you are using is original and not damaged. To test, plug the wire plug into another USB port. If the computer sees the phone, then the problem was in a faulty computer usb gateway.
Download the official driver for your phone from xiaomi website and install it on your computer. A full driver update with a working cable should fix the problem.
2. Using third-party programs (Android Terminal Emulator)
The disadvantage of this method is the presence of root-rights to the phone (the rights of Administration and management of system settings). You need to download the program to your phone. Best of all from the official store - Play market. It is distributed free of charge. After installing the program, launch it on your phone, connect it to your computer and write the following commands in the window that opens:
- su (root rights enabled) and confirmation of the choice;
- setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage, adb + Enter;
- reboot (restart the phone)
The lack of connection is most often based on some trifles that a simple user can fix. The above methods in 9 cases out of 10 should help you correct this deficiency. However, if the advice did not help you, then, most likely, you will not be able to correct the situation with your own hands. In this case, it is best to contact the service center or try to reflash the phone yourself.