There are situations when, when typing in a text editor or messages in a messenger from a laptop, numbers begin to appear instead of some letters. What is the reason and what to do in this case?

Even experienced users have a situation when, instead of the letters w, w, d, l and some others, when working on a laptop with a compact keyboard (one that does not have a separate numeric block), numbers begin to appear. The simplest reason for this is that the NumLock key was accidentally pressed. That is why, first of all, it is worth pressing it and, most likely, the previous work of the keyboard will be restored.
You can understand why this problem occurs if you take a closer look at a regular laptop keyboard:

As you can see in the photo, some keys with letters have alternative characters that are printed when this function is activated using a special function key NumLock or in another way that the manufacturer has provided for this laptop model (for example, by simultaneously pressing Fn and F11).
This problem cannot be called a breakdown, since switching to the numeric keypad, in most cases, does not happen spontaneously. Perhaps the NumLock button on your laptop model is located so that it is easy to touch it during operation. Other options are no less commonplace - a child or a pet came and also accidentally pressed buttons.
Note! The NumLock button can be labeled differently, such as NumLk.
Other reasons for replacing letters with numbers:
- the work of a virus or a special program that redefined the meaning of the laptop keys, made changes in the BIOS or the Windows registry, - keyboard breakdown.