Owners of 3G modems can face a huge variety of problems. Some of them are quite simple to solve, and some are not, and one of these problems is related to its spontaneous shutdown.

The owners of 3G modems may be indignant for various reasons: poor connection of the modem, its spontaneous disconnection, unstable pings, etc. Most often, the owners of such devices are faced with the spontaneous disconnection of the modem. If the modem turns off in this way, then its owner has to pull the device out of the connector again and plug it back in. Naturally, if such a procedure is repeated several times a day, then it cannot but upset the person, and such a problem must be somehow solved.
Solving the problem with spontaneous shutdown
There are several ways to do this. For example, if your 3G modem is connected through a special extension cable or hub (usually this is done to amplify the signal and in order not to accidentally break the 3G modem), then you just need to disconnect it from there and connect it to the USB port directly on the computer itself. The problem will be solved. If you are not using a connection through a hub or some similar device, then you need to: open the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel", and only then, in the menu on the left, open the "Device Manager". In the window that appears, find the item "Network devices". Various COMs of the modem itself should be located here. You need to open them and uncheck the box "Allow the device to turn off to save energy" in the power settings. After saving the changes made, the Internet will work properly, without spontaneous shutdown.
Solving other troubles
Of course, spontaneous disconnection of the 3G modem is not the only problem. Very often, the signal for such devices is lost or very much deteriorated. In order to get rid of this problem, you just need to put any speakers in close proximity to the 3G modem. In this case, the signal will increase by approximately 30%. In addition, you do not need to spend money on buying even the cheapest speakers.
The owner of the device only needs copper wire. You need to open the cover of the modem and wrap the device with wire several times in the place where the SIM card is. The end of the wire is then positioned where the signal is best picked up. This way the signal can be increased up to 95%. If the ping on the device jumps, then this can only mean one thing - the device is automatically looking for a stable signal.
To get rid of this misfortune, you need to open a special utility for managing a 3G modem (for example, Megafon-Internet), select "Settings" and "Network". Here you will need to specify the following parameters: "Network Type - WCDMA only", "Band - GSM900 / GSM1800 / WCDMA900 / WCDMA2100", "Registration Mode - Manual Search". After the update, you need to save the settings and select MegaFon (3G).