There is a peculiarity in the Windows operating system - you cannot create a folder with specific names in it. For example, the con folder, lpt. There are several opinions on this matter. One of them is that these names are reserved by the system.

In the Windows operating system, it is impossible to create a folder or file named COM, CLOCK $, AUX, PRN, LPT. There is a version that this ban was introduced by Bill Gates because of the nickname that accompanied him for many years. And seriously offended by his friends, he introduced a restriction on the creation of a folder with a nickname. However, this version is incorrect. It is impossible to create folders with such names, as there is a more logical explanation. At the dawn of the Windows operating system, Dos's first devices were released; they allow you to create these folders. But in modern versions of this OS, these folders are not created, since Windows these names are perceived as the names of system folders already created and existing. In OS Dos there was a command to write a file from the console - it looked like this copy con text.txt. Everything entered from the keyboard fell into this file. If it were possible to create a folder named com, then it would be possible to copy the entire directory to a file. Therefore, this name was banned for use. This word was quite important, this name was reserved by the system for I / O devices. It is impossible to create a folder named prn, since there was a command copy text.txt> prn, which performed (and is now responsible for this) copying the contents of the file to the printer … And this name is also a reserved system word. Also, you cannot make a folder in Windows with the following names: PRN, NUL, CLOCK $, AUX, COM0, COM1,… COM9, LPT0, LPT1,… LPT9. These names are also reserved for certain functions. For example, the word Nul is usually interpreted by the system as "Nothing", and the Nul command is an empty device designed to redirect the output of system commands. Therefore, a folder with this name cannot be created.