Have you ever tried to create a file or folder called con in the Windows operating system? It will not be possible to create such a file, the system will not accept this name. Why is this going to happen?

Today Microsoft Windows Corporation is one of the most striking examples of successful business. Everyone is familiar with the company's products, it brings huge income. Moreover, in contrast to many corporations dealing with programs or equipment, ordinary people show a very noticeable interest in Microsoft Windows. Therefore, both the name of the owner and the details of his biography are known to many. Bill Gates is considered a genius in his field and one of the richest people in the world. It is not surprising that the attitude to his success is ambiguous. Apparently, thanks to such envious people, one interesting bike was born. As you know, programming requires strong mental abilities, especially knowledge in mathematics and computer science. And if you add to this the ability to do business, then you can not argue with the fact that Bill Gates is very smart and was so from birth. It is on this property that the theory was created. It is said that Bill Gates himself ordered the system not to allow folders and files to be named con. It was … his nickname at school. Con from English means "to memorize", "to learn by heart", and in a simple sense - "nerd". This is how, say the skilled inventors, and they teased Bill at school. Of course, and such a version has a right to exist. But it is hard to believe that such a wealthy person like Bill Gates has not yet got rid of school complexes (if any). The comments of the owner of Microsoft Windows in this regard are not mentioned anywhere. Apparently, no one dared to ask the billionaire about his school nickname. Another version is much more realistic. Back in 1981, the MS-DOS system was launched. After eight versions, it was discontinued. Multi-letter device designations were used for this program, and con was among them. In order not to confuse the system settings, create files under the names PRN, AUX, CLOCK $, NUL, COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT0, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 were banned. MS-DOS is a thing of the past, but fresh releases of Microsoft Windows programs keep this feature.