To repair a motherboard, you need to have special equipment: a tester, a soldering station or a gas soldering iron, an indicator of POST codes. In addition, skills in working with electronic equipment and a soldering iron are required. Even untrained computer users in some cases are able to solve problems with the motherboard on their own.

Multimeter, screwdriver set, thermal paste, hair dryer, magnifier
Step 1
In the event that the computer does not start, first you need to make sure that it is the motherboard that is faulty, and not any other element of the computer. To this end, do the following:
Disconnect all external devices from the motherboard: printer, speakers, mouse, keyboard and other devices, disconnect the computer reset button wire from the motherboard. Check the voltage on the BIOS battery, it must be at least 2.9 V. Reset the BIOS by pulling out the battery for 2 minutes, or close a special jumper. Test the power supply by replacing it with a known good one.
Step 2
Remove all expansion cards, RAM, floppy cables from the motherboard, leave only the processor and the speaker (the speaker of the system unit). If, after starting the computer, the speaker began to emit sounds, then the cause of the malfunction is not in the motherboard, but in the disabled elements. Then, to determine the problematic element, insert the components one by one, starting with the RAM, then the video card, etc. After adding each element, start the computer until you identify the faulty node.
Step 3
If the motherboard is faulty, inspect it. When inspecting, pay attention to the condition of the system board elements: swelling, blackening, mechanical damage, as well as smell. It is advisable to use a magnifying glass for inspection.
Step 4
If you could not revive the motherboard yourself, the cause of the malfunction is not obvious, and you do not want to send it for repair, in this case, warming up the chipset microcircuit can help. One of the reasons for the failure of the motherboard is the poor contact of the chip with the board. And heating the microcircuits can restore contact. For this operation, the motherboard must be removed from the system unit. To warm up, you need a building hair dryer with a maximum air temperature of no more than 250 degrees. Cut a hole in a piece of foil for the microcircuit to be heated (to protect other elements of the motherboard from high temperatures), and from a distance of 10 centimeters, warm up the chip for several minutes. After warming up, replace the thermal grease on the chips.