There can be a huge number of reasons for computer malfunctions. If your operating system does not boot, or you often have to reinstall it, think about the need to test your hard drive. Due to voltage surges in the mains, the performance of hard drives suffers, and they gradually (and some at once) fail.

Live CD
Step 1
Take a LiveCD of any build. Such discs can be bought in stores that sell various films, games, programs. It is also worth noting that images of such systems can be easily found on the Internet and burned to disk. Be sure to check all downloaded files with antivirus software, as viruses can enter the system. The main thing is that the disk contains programs for testing hard drives from different manufacturers. Boot the computer from the optical disk, setting the desired priority in the Boot BIOS section of the motherboard.
Step 2
Run the hard drive test program. For example, the Victoria program will give information about the state of the hard drive, and also test it for the presence of BED sectors. Bad sectors are a sign that the hard drive is failing. As a rule, this program scans the hard disk for several hours, and the time depends largely on the size of the disk, so you will have to wait for some time.
Step 3
If the program finds bad sectors, use the hard drive recovery utility. For example, the HDDRegenerator utility tests the hard drive and immediately corrects the found BED sectors. At the end of the work, the program will display the number of corrected bad sectors. Repeat the procedure again after a month. If bad sectors are found again, then, most likely, the hard drive will have to be changed, since it is not worth storing information on it (and even more so installing the system).
Step 4
If the lights in your house often blink or turn off altogether, install an uninterruptible power supply. Due to voltage surges, you can not only lose your data on the hard drive, but also lose the main computer parts - the power supply and the motherboard.