Fewer and fewer people do not know how to handle a computer. But still, there are such people. Therefore, there are many different offices for teaching computer work. It's not cheap compared to the material they offer. Therefore, to educate your friends and relatives, you can do it yourself and for free.

Step 1
Teaching to work with a computer is not an easy task, it takes time and peace of mind. It must be remembered that most people who first sat down at a computer simply do not understand how and what works in it. Therefore, you do not need to be nervous, but you should be patient. First of all, sketch out the curriculum. It is necessary to indicate only the most important and necessary aspects of training. Start with the simplest. From the movement of the mouse cursor to the use of the simplest programs.
Step 2
After that, decide on the training time. Remember that forcing a person to do the same thing for an hour can discourage them from using the computer later and make them averse to learning. Try to vary your activity every 10-15 minutes.
Step 3
When teaching on a computer, you must give the essentials. First, the learner must understand the hierarchy of system components and devices. Explain the work of all parts of the computer, interaction with input-output devices. Next, explain the essence of the operating system, storing data on hard drives. In short, give a theory. You can't do without her.
Step 4
Secondly, when starting a theory, do not try to give everything at once. Start by creating folders and files on your computer and their locations on your hard drive. Explain the process of copying and pasting various items. After that, proceed with the installation of the programs. Here again, digress into theory. Tell us about the main types of programs and why they exist.
Step 5
The third point in your training program should be application practice. Traditionally, it starts with learning text editors such as Microsoft Word. Word training should be voluminous. The student must learn to freely create and edit any type of document.
Step 6
Then continue to familiarize the user with the programs. Start learning how to work in graphic editors, antivirus applications, office, and others. The more the learner uses programs, the faster he will understand the essence of working with a computer and will be able to automate his actions with its help.