Skype (Scape) is an Internet telephony program that allows the exchange of video, voice and text messages, with many additional features, which is currently the strongest competitor to any mobile operator. The tariffs provided by this service are much lower, and communication in the network in any way is free of charge.

Installing the program on your computer is completely free and very simple. At the same time, the quality of communication will almost always be sufficiently high, since the voice chat service does not impose high demands on the connection speed and functions normally even with a good dial-up. If the Internet speed is high enough and the microphone is good, then the sound quality is such that the interlocutors hear each other as if they are in the same room. In addition to voice messages, a huge advantage of Skype is the ability to conduct video conferencing. You can also make high quality video calls for free, while your interlocutor can be on the other side of the world. Therefore, if you install a webcam next to a stationary computer or purchase a laptop with such built-in equipment, your friends and acquaintances will be able to observe you during a call, while a picture with your image will be transmitted in real time. you can also exchange instant messages like ICQ or QIP. It also implements the ability to use Internet emoticons, which will help to reflect in the text of the message the whole gamut of feelings you are experiencing at the moment. In Skype, there is an additional option to include certain words in the text of the message, enclosing them in brackets, which will be converted into pictures. So, if you insert (heart) in the text of the message, you will see a heart on the screen. There is no complete description of such operators, but empirically, users have found that, for example, a crawling bug is activated after typing (bug), and an image of a cloud will appear if you type (london). There is a version of the program that allows you to install it on mobile phones. Naturally, the interests of mobile operators suffer in this case, therefore, in some countries, the use of this application in the networks of mobile operators is blocked. But even using Skype on a stationary PC will significantly save you the cost of mobile communications with other Internet users.