How To Make A Leaflet, Banner, Flyer Or Business Card In Photoshop

How To Make A Leaflet, Banner, Flyer Or Business Card In Photoshop
How To Make A Leaflet, Banner, Flyer Or Business Card In Photoshop

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Creating a leaflet is an occupation at the intersection of many fields of activity: design, typography, calligraphy, etc. As tools, we use both familiar brushes, rulers and compasses, as well as the fruits of technological progress in recent years - software. Let's consider one of the simplest options - creating a flyer using Adobe Photoshop.

How to make a flyer in Photoshop
How to make a flyer in Photoshop


Adobe Photoshop


Step 1

Launch Adobe Photoshop and create a new document. In the process of creating, think about how your flyer will look (landscape, portrait or square), and depending on this, fill in the Width and Height fields. The format and subject matter is, of course, at your discretion, but this instruction will outline the process of creating a leaflet in a book format on the topic of the dangers of smoking.

Step 2

Using the Paint Bucket Tool (hotkey G, switching between adjacent elements - Shift + G) paint the background white. Select the Rectangle Tool (U, Shift + U) and create ffbd5f border stripes at the top and bottom of the leaflet

Step 3

Using the Horizontal Type Tool (T, Shift + T) create two layers with captions “smoking” (color 7d6125) and “killing” (white). Font - Trebuchet MS. Use the free transform command (Ctrl + T) to enlarge the "kills" caption. Create a border for each lettering. To do this, right-click on the layer and select Blending options, and then the Stroke tab. Border size: 3 pixels, transparency: “kills” - 30%, “smoking” - 14%. Place both labels as shown in the picture. Create another stripe underneath the “kills” label in the same thickness and color as the stripes at the top and bottom of the leaflet

Step 4

Use the Rectangle Tool (three rectangles) to create a background behind the “kills” text, but not touching the “smoking” text. Create 6 labels in size 40 and in Trebuchet MS font: “According to”, “statistics”, “in Russia”, “smoke”, “over 3 million”, “teenagers”. Place them one below the other in the center of the flyer. Below, create another stripe of ffbd5f color. Border this and the bottommost strip with thin stripes of ffee5f color

Step 5

Create 6 more inscriptions in capital letters ("explain", "to your own" and "child" - size 40, style H; "why", "cigarettes" and "harmful" - 35, EL), font - Kozuka Gothic Pr6N. Place the decals between the two lower orange stripes as shown in the attached picture

Step 6

Using the Ellipse Tool (U, Shift + U), create something similar to cigarette smoke around the inscription “According to statistics, over 3 million teenagers smoke in Russia”. To do this, ellipse by ellipse in any order, close this label. Then, for convenience, merge all the ellipse layers (select them, right-click on them and click Merge Layers)

Step 7

Click on the newly formed layer with the right mouse button and select Blending Options. In the Stroke tab, create a 2px gray border for this layer, and in the Satin tab, turn the sliders to give the layer a puff of smoke. Make two more copies of this layer, place them below the original. Use the Free Transform command to enlarge both copies. You should end up with something like this.
