To become a successful programmer, you need two things that traditionally don't go hand in hand: creativity and math skills. Before you start programming, you should be familiar with the use of specially designed applications.

- - Computer;
- - QB64.
Step 1
Download QB64. It is a modern BASIC-based compiler that runs on Windows XP and Vista families. BASIC stands for "general educational symbolic code for beginners," and this programming language is really aimed at novice programmers. The application compiler is capable of reading and recognizing the code you write and running programs based on it.
Step 2
Open qb64.exe in the folder with the downloaded application. A window with a blank blue screen should start, which is a QB64 workspace.
Step 3
Try entering the following:
print "Hello, World"
The first line is "screen clearing" and means that your program will open accordingly every time from a blank screen, the remnants of its last run will not appear. The second line stands for one of the simplest functions in BASIC - the print command. You will see "Hello, World" on a blank screen. The third line, "end", ends the program.
Step 4
Press "F5" or select "Run" or "Start". Your program should work as described above. Why should you start with "Hello, World"? It is a tradition among programmers that whenever you need to learn a new language, it should be the first program you write. It forms the basis of the entire science of programming.
Step 5
Save your program by choosing File and then Save. Save the program wherever you like. So you've just written your first computer program.
Step 6
Learn the BASIC language for writing more complex programs now that you know the basics. QB64 is based on a flavor of the language called QBASIC (or QuickBASIC). Try searching the internet for QBASIC tutorials. Try looking at other popular languages: Java, Perl, Ruby, and Visual Basic.