When doing business, keeping everything in mind is very difficult. Therefore, various accounting programs have become widespread - paid and free.

Step 1
If you use a simplified tax regime, you need to keep records for yourself rather than for reporting. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to use expensive programs like "1C: Accounting", you can choose your own accounting program.
Step 2
Start the Internet and go to the search engine page in your browser. Enter the query "Free accounting software". Browse the links suggested by the search engine. So, you can download the program "My sales" if you need to keep records of sales of goods carried out at various retail outlets.
Step 3
To maintain the required accounting documentation yourself, you can download the "Accounting Documents" program, which has a much more intuitive interface (than the same 1C), and is free to use.
Step 4
For keeping household accounts and keeping track of the family budget, use the "Home Finance Free" program or SSuite Office - My Money Portable, which make it easy to keep track of incoming and outgoing financial flows and control your daily expenses.
Step 5
If you cannot find a suitable program for your purposes, you can always create your own accounting program. For this, any database is suitable - for example, Microsoft Acess, in which you can create tables to store any data, install dependencies, and then enter all the necessary data. Be sure to check all programs downloaded from the Internet using antivirus software.
Step 6
Writing a program from scratch is a very time consuming process, especially if you have no programming experience. Start by choosing a programming language and writing the simplest procedure, and then move on to more complex tasks.