Flash technologies are actively used by developers for use on their sites. With their help, you can achieve not only a more spectacular appearance, but also an increase in functionality. However, it is not uncommon for users to encounter the error "The Adobe Flash plug-in has crashed."

There are several reasons that can cause this error to appear. The first is hardware acceleration enabled. To fix this problem, right-click on the flash player and uncheck the box next to Hardware Acceleration.
However, this method does not always help. Another common reason for the crash of an Adobe Flash plugin is the use of an outdated version. To install a new one, go to your Internet browser at the link https://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer/. Next, specify the required parameters, if necessary, and download the installation file. After that, close your Internet browser, double-click on the downloaded file and proceed with the installation.
In some cases, a plugin crash can be caused by using an outdated browser version. You can update it with one of several options. First, start your web browser. In the toolbar or menu, open the "About" or "Check for updates" item. After that, the browser will check for a new version and offer to install it. Agree to update the program and wait for the process to finish.
The second option is to self-install the latest version of the Internet browser. To do this, go to the official website of the browser developers and download the latest version. Double click on the downloaded file, specify the required parameters and install the software.
Another reason for the plug-in crash may be incorrect operation of the video card drivers. Select "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Device Manager". In the window that appears, expand the "Video adapters" section, right-click on the name of the video card and select "Update drivers". If this option does not work, download the drivers from the official website of the video card developers and install it yourself.